What I’m really hungry for right now is a touch of spring and I was thrilled when Camille Campos’ name came up again (thanks to Chel Micheline).

Camille (I’ve got her listed as Camille Young) works in a bright clear palette in a most interesting, flat, graphic way in air-dry polymer clay. I’m sure some of the works on her sculpture page are new.

Don’t let the flowers fool you, she also has some dynamite masks, mythical creatures and robots in her repertoire.

You won’t want to miss the last few pictures in her photo album page which show how she assembles some of her jewelry. Think spring!

  • reply Melanie West ,

    Camille’s masks are absolutely stunning! I especially like how she treats the teeth. Very inspirational – thanks so much for the link Cynthia (and Chel).

    • reply Camille Young ,

      Thank you for featuring my work! Campos is my maiden name (I changed it to Young when I got married). CamilleCampos.com is my old portfolio site for artwork I made prior to 2006.

      Most of the work on the sculptures page was made with SculpyIII, Lumina, and Hearty clay. I used translucent Sculpy to form the teeth for the masks, which I modeled after my own 😉 The masks were influenced by Japanese and Mayan art.

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