8,000 Lehocky polymer clay hearts

Over the last three years, Ron Lehocky has made nearly 8,000 polymer clay hearts including 450 of this year’s Christmas-themed versions. He’s donated all proceeds to the Louisville Cerebral Palsy KIDS Center. In the first six months of this fiscal year his artwork raised more than $15,000 for the center.

What better way to celebrate Christmas than with this example of an artist who gives so generously? Read more about Ron here and catch his article, “Skinner Blending” My Passions, in the February issue of Polymer Cafe magazine. If you’d like to purchase a heart and support the center, contact Ron here. Merry Christmas!

  • reply Cindy Walcott ,

    I read Ron’s article in Polymer Cafe. I was very touched by his dedication. And wow, what a way to perfectd a wide variety of techniques, as he pointed out!

    • reply Marla ,

      The perfect post for today, Cynthia.

      Yes, Ron is generous, talented, prolific. He is also absolutely hilarious, with a wicked sense of humor. And he’s one of my very favorite people in this wide world.

      I will be wearing one of Ron’s hearts today as I shove yet another turkey into the oven.

      • reply Melanie ,

        Ron is a “Gentleman and a Scholar”…and also a blast to hang out with!…and Marla is right…a great sense of humor to boot!!…I feel very blessed to know Ron and call him my friend..oh and he is one awesome polymer clay artist…Happy Holidays Ron to You and Yours!…and to the rest of the polymer clay world…Blessings:)

        • reply Megan ,

          Way to go Dad!
          The heart project has become more than a hobbie for you, it has truly become a passion, driven by your own unselfish nature to give back and make a difference, one heart pin at a time! I am so proud of you and the example you set as a human and as a Dad. So get down in the basement and sand some hearts!! There’s no rest after this busy Christmas rush!! ( Just kidding of course). Love ya! Can’t wait for the 10,000 mark!

          • reply Charmed ,

            This is such a great idea.

            Dr. Lehocky was my pediatrician when I was little. I saw his hearts in Shiraz and I had to buy one, they were so cute.

            Have a great day and keep up the good work.


            • reply Lehocky’s giving heart ,

              […] the season for giving and Ron Lehocky’s polymer clay work reminds us of what a commitment to giving can […]

              • reply Turkey hearts ,

                […] has followed Ron on this project. Read earlier posts here and here. We can be thankful for artists like Ron who put their talents to such good use. He’s gearing […]

                • reply marky gard ,

                  Didn’t you show Dr Lehockey’s method on how to make his hearts? I’ve looked all over for it.

                  • reply Cynthia Tinapple ,

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