Where Benzon takes it

Benzon's stone garden brooch

Jana Roberts Benzon has tidied her website and added new polymer clay works that draw upon her past life as a florist.

Dustin pod earrings

Inspiration from a post in the DailyArtMuse got her started. A picture from BlockPartyPress moved her further. It’s a perfect example of last week’s buzz about source materials. You can read more about where Jana took it from and see where she’s taking it to on her site.

And speaking of new things, DaMuse also found some wonders in Kathleen Dustin’s new pod series on Kathleen’s site.

  • reply Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,

    Unfortunately, it appears that Jana’s site is offline! These new works are fabulous, though. I love the new direction she’s taking.

    • reply jana ,

      I popped into PCD to take a look at your feature today, Cynthia, and kinda stared at the screen for a second or so before thinking, ‘hey wait a minute, that’s MY piece’…lol….please cut me some slack; I’ve not yet had my coffee! Anyway, what a wonderful surprise to be featured, and an honor too. Thanks so much….

      And Barb, the site shouldn’t be offline…it’s working for me, so give it another try 🙂

      Oh, and finally, that Kathleen is something else! You could spent an entire dreamy day soaking up all the new stuff on her site….simply phenomenal.

      • reply Jeannie ,

        Jana’s art is incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it.

        • reply Toni ,

          Jana definatly keeps you on your toes with new designs and inspiration, kudos Jana!! Cynthia thank you for showing us all the incredible work out there done by amazing artists!!

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