Simple pleasures from Terre d’Effa

When life is complex, I gravitate to simple polymer clay pleasures and designs. This bowl made of extruded strings of color looks playful and fun. It’s from France’s Terre d’Effa. I was cruising for pictures and didn’t translate the text. Let me know if you come across her name. (It’s Fabienne…thanks  Miss Tempo.)

Often I head to another culture when I’m bored with my own point of view. French artists have a way of handling the clay with less restraint and fewer rules. Take a little foreign adventure.

Speaking of foreign adventure, Dan Cormier and Tracy Holmes have dipped a toe in Canadian blog water. It’s just an intro page but it’s a very necessary start. Write them to get on their list and encourage them to add much, much more.

Read Judy Belcher’s final Synergy thoughts and thank-you’s. If you attended, you can help NPCG plan its next event by filling out the evaluation survey.

  • reply Bettina Welker ,

    Well, she calls herself Effa – that’s all I could find. Terre d’Effa translates to Effa’s world – so I guess its her name – at least her nickname;)

    Good to see Dan and Tracy finally started with the website – I’m really curious.

    I enjoyed Judy’s report and thoughts – great article, Thank you Judy!

    • reply Lunes ,

      Bettina, I was going to say excatly the same…I would translate it more as “Effa’s place”. Her blog has some excellent photos and so on.

      • reply Carrie ,

        That bowl does look lovely. The colors are fresh and relaxing and the clay looks natural.

        • reply miSs tempo ,

          Her name is Fabienne 🙂

          • reply Hollie Mion ,

            I want one.

            • reply Effa ,

              It’s me! Effa or Fabienne!
              I feel very proud and happy after reading your comments.
              Please, comme and visit us from link to link and you will discover other artists…more talented than me!
              Thanks a lot for your article

              • reply Dan & Tracy ,

                Dear Cynthia,

                Just one day has passed since you gave us and our new website a mention on this wonderful (and obviously broadly-read) blog of yours. When we uploaded that first page (and yes, more will folllow soon), when we quielty said, “Hellooo…?” to the world, we truly had no idea who would hear us, or answer us, and from where. Well, we just wanted to say thank you to the very many individuals who’ve been in touch with us already, from all over the globe, via this new ‘triple w” portal we’ve finally opened, to welcome us, to congratulate us, and to encourage us with their anticipation of more. It’s amazing…

                For that, and for your (polymerclay)daily support and encouragement, we are truly grateful.

                Dan & Tracy

                • reply isa ,

                  Yes , she is our national Effa, she’s too strong and too humble !!! Her creates benefieced of very good finish and there are always original !!! Congratulations to you Effa, you are an International star now !!!!

                  • reply Cristalline ,

                    Bravo pour cet article, ça fait toujours plaisir de retrouver une “petite française” par ici 😉 Terre d’Effa, créative et généreuse, elle partage ses idées et ça ça me plait !

                    With google traduction 😉 : Congratulations for this article, it’s always a pleasure to find a “small French” here 😉 Terre d’ Effa, creative and generous, it shares its ideas and it pleases to me!

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