Please message Cynthia re availability/waiting list
Playful Color: A Veneer Sampler
Columbus Ohio
October 15th-16th, 2022
9:00 am- 5:00 pm
(scroll down for supply list)
Two-day color-centric polymer workshop with Lindly Haunani
Skill Level: Advanced Beginner- Experienced Artist
- Cost: $225 includes Saturday lunch and Saturday evening wine and hors d’oeuvres at Cynthia Tinapple’s (one block from the class site)
- Sign up now! Send payment now (Paypal) to reserve your space or text Cynthia (6142057982) for other ways to pay.
- Location: CoHatch Library • co-working space • 752 High Street, Worthington Ohio (at the intersection of High Street and Rt 161 in downtown Worthington), lower level, elevator, accessible
Join Lindly Haunani for a playful and colorful weekend workshop. Using an upgraded version of her signature ombre stripe blend, she will walk you through creating three foundational canes. Be inspired by the possibilities of a dancing orchid floating cane, swirled tessellated cane, and a starburst grid as several versions of each are demonstrated. Experience the magic of creating the illusion of glow in your veneers by making intentional color choices.
During this class you will:
- Increase your color mixing agility
- Explore strategies for designing successful canes
- Perfect your skills when combining colored patterns
While you may know just what colors you like, and exactly how to mix them, using them in harmonious combinations can be challenging. Learn how to add impact to your polymer clay work with increased exuberance and confidence.
Playful Color Supply List
- Pasta machine
- Pasta machine clamp
- Work surface
- Cutting blade
- Small roller or brayer
- Pin tool
- Small hand held extruder with small circle discs
- Small ball burnisher
- Burnishing tool – bone folder, cabinet knob or soup spoon
- Scissors
- 12” stiff ruler
- Notebook
- Digital camera for taking “notes”
- Something to take your work home in
- Ten sheets white computer paper
- Ten sheets plastic deli wrap
Optional: If you already have
- Lucy/Simmons slicer
- Polyform Products will be providing the Premo for this workshop- depending on what they have in stock. = be flexible
- Also your two magical hands, sense of humor and adventure.
- Questions: Lindlyh@aol.com
About Lindly
Lindly Haunani’s passion for food and cooking provide a basis for her inspiration when making things. This is often expressed via the color, construction techniques, and form in her designs. She began teaching polymer in 1990 and has presented over 100 workshops. Her polymer work appears in sixteen books. In addition to many private collections, her work is part of the permanent collections of the Racine Museum of Art, The Museum of Fine Arts Boston, The Newark Museum of Art, The Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Menghie International Museum.