From a recent ASJRA newsletter:

It is purported that to create one 18k gold ring results in:

  1. 20 tons of mine waste
  2. another 250 tons of mine waste for a 1ct. diamond
  3. cyanide to separate the gold from the ore
  4. smelting to remove gold impurities (Smelters release upwards of 140 million tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere annually.)

Thanks to Elise Winters for the info.

  • reply Harriet Russell ,

    Add human rights abuses to the massive water, soil, and air contamination.

    I’ve always been conflicted about the impact of what I do. Lately it’s been related to polymer clay, as well as metals and gemstones.

    I’m not prepared to live in a hole in the ground eating only raw, wild food, however. I can only hope my use of the materials is worthy of whatever debt I may incur; I try to be respectful of them, and dispose of anything hazardous properly. I also contribute what I can to environmental and human rights organizations … and talk, talk, talk!

    Thanks for the reminder.

    • reply Disbrain’s color and our craft’s generosity at Polymer Clay Daily ,

      […] our recent conversations about the perils of gold and diamonds, we’re inching closer to making bolder statements about our medium. The deviant art crowd […]

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