What a fun color test. I couldn’t resist and am blaming my mistakes on my laptop’s monitor.

  • reply Bettina Welker ,

    yay, I did it with 0 points – and I must admit that I own a 23″ cinema display that shows color really well – that maybe helped a lot;)

    • reply Patricia ,

      Gee, I liked that one alot. I guess the larger monitor makes a big difference! Love your blog, it’s on my “daily must read” list.

      • reply Eva/le Loup ,

        10 points for me! :-((
        i will try again!

        • reply Karen ,

          I scored 3, better than I was afraid I would. I wish I could see the ones I missed.

          • reply Shane Smith ,

            I once whipped one of these out for an eye exam to the amazement of the eye Dr. I was very smug about it. But, this one is a mind blower! I scored 19. No wonder I depend heavily on other peoples color charts!

            • reply Caren Goodrich ,

              wow, I scored a 27. My worst scoring by far was in the blue-green area. Interesting!


              • reply mags ,

                I got a four and it said that the most difficulties were with the pink and rosy tones which would account for the difficulty I have in matching flesh tones with my portraits.
                It’s nice to know that I didn’t “waste my time” when I sorted all those pastels and paints when I was growing up-hahahaha.

                • reply Pat Wex ,

                  I thought I’d been keeping up with my reading, but missed this “test” altogether. Can I still find it somewhere???

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