To polymer artists, there’s nothing more appealing than a neat pile of coordinated canes. Show us the resulting bouquet of flowers and you’ve got our attention. These lovelies are from Madrid’s Fabi (fperezajates).
A few minutes on her Flickr site will reveal how she’s combined polymer with felt, crochet, books and wood. She even shares a mini-tutorial about turning a nail brush into a letter holder.
I admire Fabi’s experimentation with household items and decorative accessories.

Moving beyond bowls and frames, she embellishes drawers and makes sewing tool holders. Keep your eye on Fabi’s work.
Hazel ,
I just love seeing a big cane collection like that – and the results are gorgeous.
lynnanne dunn ,
Mercy–please tell me that was not ALL one woman’s work. I made myself look at all 571 pictures and never felt so inadequate. Don’t miss the felted Madonna–even if it isn’t polymer clay. Lots of information in the closeups for beginners, too.
Trina Williams ,
OK. Murrinnas is not in my Spanish dictionary. A google search brings up Murrinna jewelry in the same sentence as Murano Glass from Italy. On her site it is with canes so I am concluding that it may mean canes? Anyone?
Whatever the name her work is gorgeous.
These art pieces are exquisite but forgive me I cannot see where they are for sale. I am admiring them but do not see off of several sites where there is a price. Any advice here? Thank you
Fabiola ,
Muchas gracias a todas vosotras. Un abrazo muy fuerte.
Fabi ,
Estoy intentando mandarte directamente a ti Daily un correo de agradecimiento; pero como no se por donde entrar, entonces te escribo desde aquí en los comentarios.
Un fuerte abarazo ¡¡¡
Alene Cope ,
I I i took the survey.