Win the Terra Nova Tee

Something significant changes when an artwork is set on a pedestal and encased beneath a clear polished museum vitrine. The necklace that was once casually worn to a party is now handled with gloves and tagged with new meaning.

That shift in significance is what we’re all pondering after the opening of the Terra Nova exhibit at the Racine Art Museum. The weekend exceeded all my expectations and you’ll see more as soon as I unpack and catch my breath.

In the meanwhile, you can order the lovely book here. I brought back this souvenir black tee with irridescent artwork for some lucky reader.

Register to win the limited edition Terra Nova t-shirt by leaving a comment below before midnight Tuesday.

  • reply lisa arnold ,

    how lucky to have been there! the t shirt would be nice

    • reply Brenda Urquhart ,

      Wow…how exciting for the Polymer Clay Artistic Community…to have our medium recognized as a true art form and not just a craft…Way to go to Elise to see all of her hard work,effort and perseverance come to life…and to those who work along with her to get to this historical event for the Art of Polymer…when I started in the medium in 1993…Nan Roche was just publishing her book(at that time the only real in depth book on the subject)…We’ve come a long way since then…I hope to see the exhibit in person next spring…will definitely attend the Mingei Exhibit here in San Diego in Dec…

      Dewolf posted some pics on her website of the round table discussion of the Artist,would have loved to have been there for that…was very please to see that such greats as Pier V. came out of retirement to contribute to the forum…I was sadden when she left the medium…hopefully this might inspire her to return an teach again…

      OOPS…didn’t mean to get carried away…would love to have the “T” to match the Tote I bought from Elise at the American Craft show when I attended Synergy II…

      Thanks Cynthia for what you contribute to the Art of Polymer…You are our Carol Duval of Polymer Cyber Space…

      • reply Joan Kraus ,

        How i the world did Jeffrey Lloyd Deber make those openwork petals? I’m in awe.

        • reply Ann Davis ,

          Wow, that’s very exciting!! It really is amazing:))) knockout Tshirt!!!!

          • reply Angela LeBlanc ,

            lovely tee would wear it for sure

            • reply Helen weinberg ,

              Seeing and having Elise winters in the 2d version is almost as good as the real thing but not quite.

              • reply Lila ,

                I want this t-shirt!
                Exciting news for all of us, history is being written.

                • reply Mary Holland ,

                  Wish I could have gotten to the opening. Would love to have a commemorative tee.

                  • reply Kate ,

                    How exciting for our artwork to get the care and respect it deserves!

                    • reply Brenda Urquhart ,

                      Forgot to mention…My catalog Book came today…what quick turn around…I ordered it last Wed…It is fantastic!!!!

                      • reply shirley guenther ,

                        This looks like it was a fabulous event! Going to order the book…wondering if we would get to get one! Looks exciting!

                        • reply Barbara Briggs ,

                          Cynthia, thank you for posting the link for purchasing the book. It looks wonderful! I’ve just ordered it and I can’t wait for it to arrive!

                          • reply Ann Howard ,

                            Thanks so much for sharing this landmark event with us!

                            • reply Charline ,

                              So excited to see Polymer Clay finally getting the credit it deserves.

                              • reply Jann Messer ,

                                I have felt so isolated from the PC world living on Whidbey Island, Wa. There is a thriving PC community in Seattle only a 30m drive, 50m dr. away, hee hee. Your web site has been an inspiration for me. Seeing what artists world-wide are doing is great for the artistic perspective. Plus, I’d love to win the T shirt. Jann

                                • reply Candy Cooley ,

                                  I would be delighted to win the tee-shirt and would wear it proudly. Actually I’d do a celebration dance if I won, then I’d wear it proudly! Lol! My fingers are crossed. Thank you!

                                  • reply Patrice Pfeiffer ,

                                    Thanks for sharing this event! The tee is awesome and I certainly appreciate your faithfulness to come up with so many new things! Keep up the good work.

                                    • reply Carolyn Gaudet ,

                                      The shirt whould match my Elise earings!

                                      • reply fran williams ,

                                        Love the pics in the book. I am in awe. Would love, love, love to have the t-shirt. I’d be the envy of all my jewelry buddies. I am a metalsmith and have just gotten into polymer in combination with sterling silver. I love the medium. So many possibilites. Thank you.

                                        • reply Carole M ,

                                          I have just started to get your daily posts.
                                          I really look forward to them.
                                          Elise is a poly person that is already on my radar and I would love to meet her her one day !
                                          Thanks for all your insite and wisdom.
                                          There are several times you saved me time and sanitity !

                                          • reply Shari Skye ,

                                            I am glad polymer clay is getting some recognition. Unfortunately, I think part of the problem is that many of the well known practioners are women. Men still tend to dominate the art field in getting noticed. Crafts devotees seem to be more open minded.

                                            • reply Bea Morris ,

                                              The Tee would be very nice. Limited edition make it nicer. Thanks for the opportunity.

                                              • reply Trudi ,

                                                How very exciting! And the book looks wonderful! I am sure I’ll be placing an order–who could resist?

                                                • reply Susan Becque ,

                                                  I’m an artist new to polymer. There is so much to learn & thanks to polymer clay daily, every day brings a new way of handling & creating with this simple medium. You are a great resource. Thank you.

                                                  • reply Diana McNamee ,

                                                    There’s no way we can ever thank everyone that had a part in making this exhibit and collection possible. Such a lovely t shirt. Are you sure there isn’t a necklace on it? Sure does look a ruffled collar in the picture! I’d be honored to own it!

                                                    • reply Jill Kershner ,

                                                      What a beautiful book and all the pieces of polymer are spectacular. Now I would like to win the t-shirt to wear to the meetings when I pass the book around. More orders to come…..

                                                      • reply Kathy Davis ,

                                                        Thanks for sharing your trip with us!! Wish I could go and see the show!! But a t-shirt would make me feel better!!

                                                        • reply Kathryn Corbin ,

                                                          Gee, the T-shirt would be the perfect attire when I settle down to read the book….that is if my husband has picked up my not-very-subtle hints about wanting it for my birthday this Saturday! Can’t wait to see more images from the installation! Although relatively new to the medium, I’ve been enthralled by it for 20 years, and since starting down the polymer path a year and a half ago, I’m even more amazed by the community of artists, the culture of sharing that is at its core, and daily discoveries thanks to PCD!

                                                          • reply Christy Dickerson ,

                                                            So grateful to all who made this show possible! I’m very proud to be of the community! I can hardly wait to see all of your pictures, Cynthia! Thank you for taking all of us who couldn’t be there!

                                                            • reply Margy Moranz ,

                                                              Kudos to the artists and collectors who donated pieces to the Museum, and to the Polymer Clay community for supporting this undertaking. We’ve come a long way…..

                                                              • reply Kay Olson ,

                                                                Can’t wait to visit the museum, must be a joy to see the “lowly” polymer finally get the recognition this art form deserves.

                                                                • reply Beth Brampton ,

                                                                  It’s so exciting that polymer clay is being recognized as an art material – and it’s due to the wild-eyed, crazy, creative artists using it. Perseverence furthers…doesn’t the I Ching say that? Truer words were never spoken.

                                                                  • reply Anne ,

                                                                    Huge kudos to Elise for her long efforts to make this happen. And many thanks to you, Cynthia, for keeping the world informed about polymer work everywhere. I’d love to add an Elise tee shirt to my small Elise collection!

                                                                    • reply Helen Hughes ,

                                                                      History in the making. What an exciting adventure for the polymer clay community.

                                                                      • reply Michelle ,

                                                                        That looks like an awesome exhibit and a very nice souvenir shirt too.

                                                                        • reply Cindy Mersky ,

                                                                          I am relatively new to polymer clay, but am overwhelmed by the creative forces behind this artform. I have ordered the catalogue and look forward to learning more.

                                                                          • reply Rebecca Tyler-Rose ,

                                                                            I would likely put the tee under glass myself, of course that would be a ooak in my neck of the woods. I love that polymer is finally being recognised as a true medium for expression by “real” artists, rather than just a craft without any place in competition with other forms of expression. I am constantly showing my books to people, trying to make them understand the complexity of the techniques, as well as the happy “accidents” so many of us come across. God bless polymer clay and all the artists who choose this as their avenue of expression. I just love love love polymer! Thanks for making the effort to educate people so that we do have the exposure we deserve. And, I have to say, I would be proud to display the tee, regardless of it being a showpiece on the body or under glass! (Guess it depends on the size lol!)

                                                                            • reply marji purcell ,

                                                                              It was a watershed moment, seeing these extraordinary artists recognized and honored. I feel so fortunate to have been in Racine for this event. The inspiration and creative energy were worth the journey!

                                                                              • reply Sue Gentry ,

                                                                                I would have loved to have been there. Can’t wait to see more of your experience Cynthia. Thanks so much for sharing with those of us that missed it. It’s a great day for polymer clay!

                                                                                • reply Jamie Dinnsen ,

                                                                                  Amazing beautiful ART! Thanks for sharing!

                                                                                  • reply june pegram ,

                                                                                    Ooh ooh pick me pick me!! This is so exciting.

                                                                                    • reply Sarah ,

                                                                                      Very Neat! I absolutely love Elise’s work!
                                                                                      By the way, in the new website format I’m not finding the search field. Am I missing it? Thanks!

                                                                                      • reply Emily N. ,

                                                                                        There is something magical about seeing something you made displayed under glass. I entered my work at a local community college art show and it was a thrill to see it in their show!

                                                                                        • reply Debbie Anderson ,

                                                                                          I look forward to your postings. Thanks for sharing
                                                                                          polymer related news to all of us. I sounds like
                                                                                          a wonderful event you attended

                                                                                          • reply Donna ,

                                                                                            Polymer Clay getting the credit it deserves – how wonderful is that? There are so many great artists today doing such awesome things with this medium, thank you Cynthia for all of your time and hard work you do to bring us what we would not take the time to find ourselves. It’s great to have somewhere to go everyday and see the latest and greatest!!!!

                                                                                            • reply Sheila Willert ,

                                                                                              I would love to own something made by Elise Winters, her work is breathtaking.

                                                                                              • reply Sarah ,

                                                                                                *found it. 🙂

                                                                                                • reply Emma ,

                                                                                                  Pick me! Pick me! Oh how I would have loved to have been there! Hearing the pitch at Synergy really had me ready to attend, too bad life got in the way

                                                                                                  • reply Jennifer Jill Araya ,

                                                                                                    The Terra Nova book is amazing!! Such incredible artistry and creativity. Thanks for sharing, and thanks also for offering the T-shirt giveaway. Very exciting. 🙂

                                                                                                    • reply Sandra K ,

                                                                                                      Was Elise crying? Were you crying? The enormity of this event HAD to bring someone to tears! Can you imagine someone looking at one these polymer artworks 50 or 100 years from now? Will they even have a clue about the humble beginnings of this fabulous material? I wish I could have been there but will settle for living vicariously through you. Thank you for sharing, Cynthia!

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