Heather Millican’s pithy and positive polymer sayings bring Valentines week to a close.
Stamped and painted, the words she chooses nourish without too much sugar. They’re good for you. She distresses the background for a homey touch.
Data desires

You can fill the holes in the polymer community’s data by completing the demographic survey. Judy Belcher tells me that we need just a few final facts to perfect our Synergy presentation. With this quick (and last) survey you’ll check off which kind of odd duck you are or more precisely your age range, training, location, and a few other basics.
Judy loves charts and graphs and when hundreds of you respond, she’s in data heaven. Give that girl a thrill. Here’s the survey.
And speaking of thrills, don’t forget the ladies of Samunnat who are dreaming of the new home for their project. You’ve made real progress possible and we’re still accepting donations. CLICK to donate.
LOVE MORE! What a great statement on which to end this wonderful Valentine week of giving and dream fulfilling. Keep the afterglow of Valentine’s Day shining by making your donation to the Samunnat project. We are nearing our goal and the women are ecstatic about planning their future.
Potential donors may be confused with the money exchange rate between US$ and AUD$. To make it simple, if you want to donate $25 US then put $24 in the donor box. For a $50 US donation put $49, for $100 US, type $97AUD.
So thanks for giving and spreading love from all over the world to the women in Nepal.
They are so grateful.
Ron Lehocky