Prepare to spend some time on this link to the Smithsonian Craft Show. While the show contains only two polymer artists that I could find (Bishoff/Syron and FordForlano), the works shown throughout are those jaw-dropping inspirations that you shouldn’t miss.
Bonnie Bishoff and JM Syron combine polymer and wood in furniture, vessels, lamps and more. If you’ve been stuck thinking small, this site will force you out of your rut.
Thanks to Lindly Haunani for sending the link to the Smithsonian site. Turning the pages of the book is nearly as much fun as the work itself.
What a great site. Everything about it sings – the photos are fabulous, the site is delightful to navigate, and inspiration abounds.
Thanks in part to your zine, I have been acvtively searching other mediums for sources of inspiration. I am new to the whole polyclay world, so i haven’t quite found my voice in it, but everything I look at recently is taking on new meaning … can the texture br translated, is the shape viable, a new color combination?
Too much fun – too many distractions – ain’t life grand!
Included in my polymer clay collection is a lovely Pedestal Table by Bonnie Bishoff and JM Syron I purchased about two years ago! The work is so fantastic! Anyone infatuated with these larger pieces will be amazed when you see them “LIVE”!