I guess it's the week for unusual treatments. Susan Waddington paints dogs onto polymer bases and fashions them into pins and pendants. With so many dog afficianados and Susan's skill, I'm sure she does a brisk business.
I'm remembering repeating over and over to customers, "It's not painted, it's a polymer cane." And now Susan comes along and confuses the issue…by golly, it IS painted.
Thanks to Merrie60@aol.com for the link. How did it get to be Friday? Have a great weekend.
Those dog pendants are amazing! I can’t find any way to email the artist. Help!
Looks like this is Susan’s email address
Susan Waddington ,
Wow, I just happened to find this website via PCC. Thanks for your kind comments!
Hi Susan: I am the person who contacted you through ebay – I am the one with the cancer survivor 6 year old greyhound. I would like o sent you a photo of our “Bosha” and let you decided which necklace would best suit him and his face – if okay with you. I have tried your email address through comcast and I am not quitre sure how to each you – the site did not take me to your email – I can email you a photo taken just three weeks ago at the Ohio State University Vet Clinic – where he continues with his treatments – the gentleman in the photo is Dr. Couto – the head of the Onocology Dept at OSU.
Also – there is a phot of Bosha on this website – Hope for Hounds http://www.casualbling.com – go to Inspiring Stores and Bosha’s story is the last on the page.
Thanks and if I can figure out the website – I really would like to send you the other photo – YOUR WORK IS SO EXCITING – YOU ARE SUCH A TALENT !!!!!
Barb Heisey