I should have taken more pictures at Monday's art show in Columbus. The level of the work surprised me. That's where I hit upon Pat Bolgar (yesterday's post) and Grace Stokes.
Grace doesn't have a web site but you can see more of her work in the recent Lark book by Katherine Aimone. Both artists showed remarkable facility at combining polymer and PMC.

Looking for links to Grace led me to the Ganoksin site which offers some tempting pictures and articles for the PMC/polymer folks out there. Be sure to take a look at the Ford/Forlano article.
I am familiar with this work and it is hand formed sterling not pmc. Ms. Stokes has a wonderful variety of items with tremendous detail and exquisite form. She has a beautiful quiet sense of color and balance. Though her use of polymer is secondary to her metal work, her pieces are a very nice marriage of materials.
I have been following Grace Stokes for years. Her quality, workmanship and uniqueness is unsurpassed. I enjoy and look forward to her new pieces at every show. Keep up the Great work Grace!