These hot summer days have made me lazy and my polymer clay research has consisted of thumbing through the guestbook and clicking artist links to see who’s showing new work. While these names may be familiar, their new work is not.
Judy Dunn has a whole page of new feathery and soft shapes that she’s calling "Organic Chemistry."

I’m still pondering faces and self-portraits and thought the face pin that Julie Picarello dropped in the guestbook was worth a second look. Simple and bright mokume gane faces. Have a lovely lazy weekend.
Toby ,
What you said about Julie is exactly what I was thinking as I perused her site. It looks so simple… but you know there was a ton of effort that went into making it that way.
Lisa Clarke ,
I just love Julie’s look, and that pin has a glazed ceramic look about it that’s very appealing. Very nice!
Libby Mills ,
I love Judy’s new Organic Chemistry series. I am the proud owner of the Red Circle Pod pin at the bottom of the page.
That pin of Julie’s is so fun. Thanks for sharing these new finds.
Judy Dunn ,
Thanks Cynthia! I am having so much fun with these new designs. And thanks Libby for the very kind words!
Julie’s work is so full of color, and pattern. I love it!
Julie Picarello ,
Right back at’cha, Judy!! I opened up your Organic Chemistry page and can’t seem to close it…you have a mesmerizing use of color and design. Those ethereal earrings…oh wow…I’m thinking a drive to the gallery in Half Moon Bay may be in order.
Maureen Thomas ,
Something inspirational every day…wow! These two pieces look lovely next to each other. I’ve seen Julie’s pin “in the clay” and I know that she doesn’t glaze her work…meticulous construction techniques along with good old-fashioned elbow grease (aka sanding) and buffing result in the glowing finish that you see in her pieces.
Cindy Pack ,
Beautiful pin Julie! Love your style!
Ruth Tarragano ,
Thank you for bringing these wonderfull creative and inspiering artists!
Thank god for allways having new levels to achieve….