The winners of the NPCG Progress and Possibilities polymer clay exhibit have been announced. Says exhibit judge Elise Winters, "There are several pieces that took my breath away. They are of differing styles and sensibilities but share some common qualities. In each case, the piece reflects a large strong personal vision. Every element of the total design – color, form, proportion, scale, choice of materials, technique, finishing – works to enhance this unified concept. All of the pieces show meticulous attention to detail and workmanship as well."
While we wait for pictures of the winning entries, follow the links from the NPCG page to each of the artists’ home sites. Most of the winning artists have already been featured on Polymer Clay Daily. The piece pictured here is from Heather Campbell, one of the winners we haven’t seen. Thanks to Susan Lomuto who was first to spot the announcement.
jana roberts benzon ,
Yeah! I’m so happy to see Heather’s work featured here! Heather and I have been friends for many, many (geez, we’re getting old!) years, and came to polymer clay independent of each other. In a few short years, she’s evolved into creating works such as you see here. I’ve seen her stuff IRL, and let me tell you, the pictures in no way do it justice! Her work is meticulous and stunning, and Heather herself is a gem of a soul.
Mandy ,
How exciting these contests…I wonder if Dutch artists can be contestants too. Does anyone know about this?
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
The Progress and Possibilities Exhibition is open to all members of the NPCG, regardless of location.
cloud777 ,
Yes, ornaments very laconic and finished! Very beautifully! All gallery of this artist – intricacy and imagination!