Why, you may wonder, is this polymer clay cane remarkable?
This is David Forlano’s first cane from 1988 and it marks the start of a 20 year collaboration between him and Steve Ford. In honor of the event, the duo has updated their web site they’re selling a limited quantity of their vintage pieces from the early 1990’s. “We’ve also made an archive over the 20 years showing our embarrassing beginnings,” says Steve.
You may take some consolation in seeing others’ first efforts. Be sure to download the artist statement that explains how their collaborative process works and how it’s changed over the years.
P.S. I’ve conquered my flu bug…nasty one.
Melanie West ,
Cynthia, I am very glad you are feeling better, my dear. I must say, your posts sure haven’t been suffering from the flu – just terrific!
When I first saw David Forlano’s first cane I was heartened… granted, it’s better than my first cane, but… well… you know what I mean. But one year later those wonder boys were producing gold! *sigh*
Oh, and I am now the owner of a new-old pair of earrings. Hey, how often can you buy an F & F piece for only $50?
Kim Cavender ,
Cynthia, SO glad you’re feeling better! It’s interesting to see their progression and the way they’re work has evolved. I believe I much prefer their more organic things.
Jen ,
I love that! It’s awesome to see their archives. Even in the beginning it was great work, and the progression of their style is so neat to see. What I try to remember when looking at all these fabulous artists is that they make mistakes too, we just don’t see it!
I loved to see their old work, and to see how their work has progressed. What a treat!
David ,
Thanks for the comments on our old work. It has been fun going through the old images and archives and putting together a time line of work. Yes we do make mistakes like everyone. Sometimes it is time to walk away from the mistake and sometimes it is time to keep improvising on that mistake to see what will happen. And sometime, maybe, best not to make a mistake.