Christi Friesen has a whole gallery of hearts to inspire you this Monday. She’s teaching a sold out class on hearts at the ToBeadTrueBlue bead show in Tucson this Friday. You can download a free tutorial (not hearts, but similar) from Christi’s site if you’d like to experience her style.

Friesen’s flowing, sculptural technique is so joyful that students around the world have been imitating it hoping to capture the spirit. A good start for your free-spirited week.
sharon chute ,
I love Christi’s work. I am happy to see her spotlighted here. Thankfully I live near Maureen Carlson’s studio in Jorday, Minnesota so I have had the opportunity to take a few of Christi’s classes. Sharon Chute
sharon chute ,
Jorday = Jordan
Lunes ,
Wow these hearts are stunning – so different from the usual shapes & colours which flood the markets at this time of year.
Thanks for great directions on a project simple enough for a beginner to try, but with a sophisticated style. I’m a professional artist, but somewhat new to poly clay, and am having trouble finding beginner info for projects I really want to make. I also like your copyright note. Thanks for your generosity.