These polymer clay articulated marionettes are created by Amelie Erath in Bordeaux, France. This young artist has only had her site up for a few months and already it contains an amazing array of work.
Check out her post about the many ways she recreates feet.
The puppets are available through her online shop (DaWanda is the French version of Etsy). Thanks to the Parole de pate blog for the link.
Brings back memories- the very first time I used polymer clay, was to do a marionette from a magazine article!
Lenora ,
Amelie is female.
Amélie ,
Thank you very much for your post. I’m very happy to see that people likes what I do.
And thanks you also to Lenora, to have to correct the fact that I wasn’t a man !
sari0009 ,
I appreciate Amélie’s work very much. I had altered a partially broken 9″ art mannequin in order to make an articulated art doll and see that Amélie’s method has far more freedom of design.