Ronna Weltman has been playing with her polymer clay extruder in a much more freestyle way. “I put in little blobs of this and that color (not randomly picked, but for harmony) and delight in the serendipity of my multi-hued bead caps,” she says.

“Yesterday I played around with randomly placing the strings on translucent and/or translucent mixed with ultra-light, running it through the pasta maker, and then covering an ultralight core with the result.” I love her looser approach. Check it out.
Follow-up note: I have not tested the PolymerClayExpress large extruder because I needed small batches. Word is that it’s quite wonderful. Oh, the perils of talking about tools! We all have our favorites.
Melanie West ,
Brava Ronna! I adore her explorations and the wonderful results. Ronna Rocks!
“Oh, the perils of talking about tools! ”
Cynthia, please don’t feel like talking about tools is perilous. I totally agree, everyone has their favorite gadgets. But if you hadn’t shared your new discovery, I would never have known about that nifty attachment for the Makin extruder! I apologize for bringing up the PCE macho extruder and muddying the waters.
Michelle ,
I love Ronna’s extruder beads. The texture generated by the extruded strips is an exciting addition to her already luscious beadwork.
Very, very cool!
Ronna Sarvas Weltman ,
Golly gosh folks — thanks for the kind words. So … I’ll bring these beads (and others) to share at Synergy — look me up at the teachers’ fair, where I’ll be sharing a table with Loretta Lam.
By the way, if you are looking for teachers in fun, exotic or scenic locales, be sure to alert Lori and me when you stop by our table so we can suck up appropriately.
Lunes ,
What great colour combinations – sometimes experimentation rather than exact colour planning works the best!
Martha Aleo ,
I am definately going to try the adapter. I am also going to keep using my PCE extruder because it does things the Makins extruder can’t. It’s not an either/or situation here. I need both!