After a hectic spring weekend, a splash of Portugese color in this inro from Xana and Te (Alexandra and Teresa) is just what I need to start my week. What sets this work apart is the attention to detail and the way the onlay pieces are carefully positioned and applied. I particularly like the subtle Skinner blend in the background. Have a happy, colorful Monday.
Enkhtsetseg ,
Very accurately done! Thank you for sharing!
Lunes ,
Another great European! I love their colours and style! Thanks for sharing.
Cristina ,
Congratulations Xana and Té!
Their work is very special and unique and we are so proud to have them representing the newest Portuguese Polymer Clay Guild.
lylypop ,
Wonderfull work! J’adore les formes et ces magnifiques couleurs!
Whirlwind polymer swirls at Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] blend double spiral beads. The matching bracelet makes quite an impact as well. Here’s an earlier post about the […]