Utah’s Heather Campbell uses simple polymer clay techniques in layers that she builds up into a rich pastiche of cane patterns, texture and color. The pieces draw the eye in to study the detail.
Heather’s sculptures are also dense with meaning and deliver complex messages such as “Enlightenment” (pictured here), “Glorious Struggle” and “Off the Deep End.”
It’s no surprise that two of Heather’s sculptures were named winners in in this year’s IPCG’s Progress and Possiblities Exhibition.
Thanks to Annie Hooten for sending us to Heather’s updated PurpleDoor site.
jana roberts benzon ,
Yeah! I’m so very excited and happy to see Heather here! She’s an extraordinary talent and human being.
Heather and I have been very close friends for, I dunno, nearly 20 years now. After not having touched base for several months, she showed up on my doorstep one day and I drug her into my dining room to excitedly show her this ‘new thing’ I was up to, which was polymer clay. She was incredulous as she said “I’m doing the same thing!!!”. We both got a good laugh out of that, and still smile at how we both came to this amazing medium, independent of each other and at the exact same time.
Enjoy browsing her site, and know that this stuff of hers is off the charts ‘in real life’. She attended my Sundance retreat, and other students there from around the country got to see her work up close and personal…they’ll attest to it’s jaw-dropping-gorgeousness and perfection.
Heather’s an uber-talented artist and truly “good people”…congrats my dear friend!
Wow that is even more amazing. I took one look at her work and said Jana Roberts Benzon meets Christi Friesen.
Heather Campbell ,
@Marcie – Hi Marcie, thank you so much for your kind words!
Heather Campbell ,
@jana roberts benzon – Jana, thanks again for your generous comment and your friendship. It is an honor to be highlighted on this website!