Raven Lunatic Studios! Don’t you love the name of Kamilla White’s polymer clay obsession? The Seattle-based artist is intrigued by crows’ keen intelligence and their intricate co-evolutionary relationships with human beings. You’ll find her sculptures for sale on the Artful Home site.
A further search for polymer clay on Artful Home will return a growing smorgasbord of work from Susan Kinzig, Carolyn Tillie, Bonnie Bishoff and J.M. Syron, Molly Thomas, Louis Fischer Cozzi, Sue Savage and others. So much to see!
You may have detected a bit of lunacy in my ramblings this week. Thoughts of the impending holiday season have me trying to resolve the tension between art, altruism and commercialism. I bounced between Niche, Nepal and Miami Beach with my antennae alert for answers. Have a crazy great weekend.
Christine Harris ,
very cool ravens!
Barbara Forbes-Lyons ,
Technically, crows and ravens are different species.
Jeannie ,
Love the name. The crow so cute I just want to feed him some bird seed
Has it been FOREVER since we’ve had a site like Artful Home to look at?! I’ve been at it for hours and still not done…loving it! Thank You!
Lisa Bayne ,
Thanks so much for your kind comments about us. I can’t wait to meet many more polymer clay artists and lovers at the conference in February.
Sera ,
LOL…when you find the answers to those questions about how to resolve the tension between art, commercialism and altruism – please let the rest of us know!
Such deep thoughts for the weekend!
Anicette ,
Cute raven!!
Thank you!!!