Polymer illustrators like Sylvie Perrin communicate cleverly with their clay art. These distressed fish looked particularly topical even though she made the illustration for a children’s series last year.
Checking her site and her blog from time to time is like a crash course in politics, pop culture and current events.
Second Look
One of yesterday’s commenters pointed out a slideshow about Joyce Fritz and her workspace that I had overlooked yesterday. It’s worth a second look here. Thanks Sylvia.
Kathleen Anderson ,
When you have time check out the “Shout” online exhibit of polymer work at crafthaus: http://crafthaus.ning.com/group/shout
Jeannie ,
Cute and adorable. They make me giggle.
Jenean ,
Polymer art accurately describes your creations. Your work is beautiful.
Emily Miller ,
These fish just grab me. I keep coming back looking at them.