Ford and Forlano (Dave and Steve) slipped off my radar and when I went back to check their site, I felt like I’d taken a quick dip in the pool on a hot day. Their work instantly refreshes.

In recent work they’ve created an homage to Georgia O’Keeffe, toyed with Alexander Calder ideas, and been surprised by the popularity and wearability of their big pieces that they thought were only for museum display cases.
Even Ford/Forlano get rejected (gasp). You may be surprised at how they responded when a show they’d been in for years passed them over. Good summer reading here.
Jeannie ,
Dave and Steve are winners in my book. The pictured works of art are WOWie WOW!.
I go to some jewelry blogs and everything is starting to look the same to me. There’s not much new. It’s usually the same ole thing with a new twist..maybe.
But here, it’s always different, it’s always new. I’m surprised with all the different emotions I have here. Polymer Clay artists are like no others.
Thanks Cynthia for bring these talented polymer clay artists to me everyday with just a click of my mouse.
That necklace is amazing. Beautiful textures and beautiful colours that just work so well together. I think their work is brilliant.
I loved the description of the pin series “It looks like a flower, and landscape, or maybe a body part.” what a crack-up. I always wonder about the people who get to decide about what is in with the new and what is out with the old in relation to any trends not only artists accepted for particular shows. A lot of them don’t get it right do they?
Kate ,
That necklace it gorgeous! I’ve loved their work for years. Thanks for bringing attention to their new works!