Dee Wilder (Malodora) and Matilde Colas show pictures of their inspirations and allow us to follow the paths to their final interpretations.
For most polymer artists, the ability to convert an inspiring palette of colors into polymer is what draws them to the medium. These two do it with style.

Dee discovered her colors in a fabric swatch and accurately mimicked the batik’s layers of colors on her beads.
Matilde was attracted by a photo of flowers that she turned into a juicy assortment of colors. She cut out gently curving pieces and stacked them to make pins and pendants.
Staying alert for color inspiration is the trick (and the fun).
Janie Zetsch ,
Wow, I just left Dee Wilder’s Flickr album. Be prepared to spend a long time drooling! I wish I could translate Colas’ blog. Looks like some great reading to be done there. Very inspiring work from both artists! Thanks for the post.
Dee Wilder ,
Hey, thanks Cynthia. Isn’t that the most beautiful fabric? That rascal Hollie bought it in the garage sale and gave it to me! Whenever I need color inspiration now, I look to that fabric. To me, it just sings.
Dee–fabulous interpretation of the batik. I also adore coordinating polymer with fabrics and garments.
Like Janet, I wish my French were better. Mathilde’s blog might force me to take a refresher course!
Randee M Ketzel ,
Thanks for introducing me to Matilde Colas! Dee of course, has consistently been one of the most amazing artists working today in polymer clay–one would expect no less than this gorgeous work.
Sera ,
Dee Wilder is a truly innovative artist. Her latest follicle scatter pins are just amazing. Keep it comin, Miss Dee! We Luv Ya Work!
Cassy Muronaka ,
Such perfect timing. The subject has been banging around in my head for a couple of weeks now, and I really can’t read too many inspirational posts on the subject. Thanks Cynthia.
Cassy Muronaka ,
The “subject” being COLOR, of course! My last post read like SPAM……
Has anyone tried Google translater? I found a great site in French, and use that all the time, It’s awesome!!