Texture your trash

Dayle Doroshow’s oversized paper beads (these are each about 1 1/2″ wide) echo exotic, tribal themes.

Dayle admits they’re made from the tail ends of her polymer projects, simple tall triangles rolled onto a fat skewer and then flattened with stamps and textures. Paints and powders and whatever is handy add the final effect.

Since Dayle and I are playing together this week, we’ve decided to giveaway one of our Creative Sparks books signed by both of us. Dayle shares how she developed habits and tricks that tease her back into the studio when she’s stumped or stewing.

Leave us a comment and we’ll dash an autographed book off to the winner on Friday.

  • reply Say-Say ,

    I love the surprises that come from the scrap clay container. They are so much fun! I would love your book! Blessings!

    • reply Pat Lacy ,

      Thanks Cynthia and Dayla for sharing. I check PCD daily and am so inspired by all that I see here.

      • reply Lyn ,

        I’m at my creative wits end today and SO NEED A BOOST! You always deliver! I’d love to get a copy of your book signed by both of you! I read your blog every day and it always enriches me. Thank you so much!

        • reply Doreen ,

          I need to be teased back into the studio right now! I’d love to win a copy of this book!

          • reply Sherri Kellberg ,

            I look to your blog daily for inspiration and ideas! How wonderful it would be to receive a signed copy of your book!!

            • reply Lee Ann ,

              I NEED as much teasing as possible…. If I don’t ‘win’ the book can I just come and play? I’m housebroken and promise to clean up after myself.

              • reply Elaine Fredrick ,

                Hi Cynthia,

                I very much enjoy your site. Your book may be just what I need to spark my creativity!

                Thank you,
                Elaine Fredrick

                • reply kim ,

                  Beautiful beads!!!!

                  • reply Itziar ,

                    Sometimes (too often) I can’t read all the new posts in my feed reader, but I NEVER miss this one. I really love it. Thank you.

                    • reply Adrienne Avakian ,

                      You never cease to amaze me! After a brain injury made it difficult to comprehend what I read, I was told to find something to train another part of my brain to do the job and the visuals on your site each day give me the inspiration to push myself to work harder. These are a neat idea and I would try them with new clay, not just scrap. Thank you for Polymer Clay Daily. I look forward to it every day. It’s given me a fun way to try and achieve a difficult task.

                      • reply Ellen ,

                        The idea of using the scraps in front of you on your table is a great way to jump start your creativity!

                        • reply Leisanne Sylvester-Jarvis ,

                          Thanks for the chance to win one of your inspiring books.

                          • reply Kit Lockwood ,

                            I don’t know what I’d do without PCD. I visit every day and get impatient on the weekends for Monday to roll around again. When friends want to know more about what polymer clay is about I send them your way. It makes me very happy to know you’re name is on a book out there. Congratulations. I can hardly wait to see it.

                            • reply Mary Jenkins ,

                              Dayle and Cynthia,
                              Thanks for sharing this technique. I love the way you always think outside the box and create from what is around you. I took one of your mini seminars at Synergy a few years ago and was so inspired! I came right home and started going through my magazines for inspiration. Thanks for all you do to keep us in the creative zone!

                              • reply Janie ,

                                love the “paper” beads! Would also love to recieve the Creative Sparks book! As always, your site IS a daily creative spark.

                                • reply Loretta ,

                                  I love reading PCD. Thanks for all you share. I would be honored to win the Creative Sparks book. Have my fingers crossed.

                                  • reply Anita Brandon ,

                                    Dayle’s “paper beads” are such an appealing and creative way to use project leftovers.

                                    • reply lynn dunn ,

                                      ALWAYS something new. How can clay remains and a technique leftover from girl scout camp be so arty?

                                      • reply Louise ,

                                        I love coming each day you post discover something new. Those beads are realy great. Think outside the box should be our motto, right?

                                        • reply Lynn/UnaOdd ,

                                          Well in looking at them nothing about them says trash! A very successful and fun answer to both left-overs and a rut! Love them!

                                          • reply Marlene Brady ,

                                            Thank you Cynthia and Dayle! I am in a slump right now and thought, “How apropos!” Thank you for the opportunity. I liked the post also; using scraps creatively is such a challenge.

                                            • reply Charlotte ,

                                              It would be wonderful to add an inspirational book to my library! Thanks for posting this give-a-way!

                                              • reply Anita C ,

                                                Thanks for the daily dose of inspiration!

                                                • reply carissa ,

                                                  I was so excited by this post it took me 3 times to type in my email correctly!
                                                  Thank you Dayle and Cynthia for your kindness. And thanks so much for those funky beads. I was cleaning my workspace (shiver) and wondering what the devil I would do with all of these little odds and ends………and now I can’t wait to get home and make a mess!
                                                  Kudos ladies!

                                                  • reply Sarah ,

                                                    Love the colors and textures!

                                                    • reply Maureen Carlson ,

                                                      Oh How I’d love to listen in to your collaboration. I’m smiling as I imagine it. When do we get to hear about what you discovered? And are the trees really that big, Cynthia?

                                                      • reply jenn ,

                                                        i’d love to have a book! i come to your blog early every day…before we even get the email!

                                                        • reply Shirley ,

                                                          I love reading your blog and would love to get a copy of this book.

                                                          • reply Sue O. ,

                                                            Hi Cynthia and Dale! Thanks for always doing nice things for everyone. This is the first post I read every day, sometimes too early (like this a.m.), before you’ve had a chance to post yet! If it didn’t mean more work for you, I would beg for a weekend edition! Would love to win your book. Since losing my job with lengthy hours some months ago, I am finally having some time to dip my toe back into the PC waters and am looking forward to trying some new things.

                                                            • reply Terry ,

                                                              I would love to have a copy of the book. Thanks for having the contest!

                                                              • reply Chris ,

                                                                I can only echo all that has been written – Cynthia, some days your blog is the best part of my day! And I was lucky enough to take a workshop with Dayle at Synergy a few yrs ago and it was terrific and inspiring so I would love to be in the running for your book. Thanks for your generosity.

                                                                • reply Priscilla ,

                                                                  I’ve been trying to come up with an idea for triangular buttons for a friend. I have the colors, but couldn’t quite figure out a design. Dayle’s clever use of stamps, powders, etc. has given me a great jumping off point. Thanks!

                                                                  • reply Barb Harper ,

                                                                    Hi Cynthia and Dale,
                                                                    What with Spring chores,fence building etc on the horizon I would love to get a kick back to my beloved pc. A new book would be purrfect.Been sead beading most of the winter and wonder how that will translate to clay. Love the end of day ,paper beads.
                                                                    Be well,Love B

                                                                    • reply dayle doroshow ,

                                                                      Thanks to all of you for posting such heartfelt and inspiring comments! I’d love to see what you do with your “trash”!

                                                                      • reply Sue Urich ,

                                                                        I will leave a comment even though I already purchased the book. Thanks for making me look at bits and pieces that might otherwise be scrap clay. What do I have to loose?

                                                                        • reply the blue girl ,

                                                                          i’m reading your blog since i’ve discovered polymer clay as my new medium – let’s say two years ago… and it is a source of inspiration every day… even if i forget to create because there’s so much to see…. would love to have your book!
                                                                          many thanks for your work here!
                                                                          the blue girl (in german: das blaue mädchen)

                                                                          • reply Stacey Winters ,

                                                                            Pick me, pick me!

                                                                            • reply Helen Wilby ,

                                                                              I’m new to polymer clay and your blog is a great source of inspiration and learning for me! Thank you!

                                                                              • reply Jenn Oates ,

                                                                                Those beads are great! I love what you can come up with when you’re not really trying. 🙂

                                                                                • reply Wendy Oestreicher ,

                                                                                  Would love to receive the book; a creative boost is always a good thing!

                                                                                  • reply D Ringo ,

                                                                                    Such an inspiring way to use up otherwise “useless” clay bits. Thank you!

                                                                                    • reply Rob ,

                                                                                      I’d love to the the lucky winner of one of your books. Thanks for the opportunity.

                                                                                      • reply Wendy Koll ,

                                                                                        “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” (Emerson). I have this posted in a spot to tell me its okay to try whatever comes to mind and yet it’s hard to get to that place of bringing it all together. I love saturationg my mind with your posts and living through all the creative artists out there. Thanks to all in the creative polymer community, and to you Cynthia, your passion is a great gift!

                                                                                        • reply Jane Perala ,

                                                                                          I love seeing how various polymer bead artists use up their left over bits and pieces. Thanks for the great post.

                                                                                          • reply Deborah Groom ,

                                                                                            I love the sense of whimsy with these beads. The colours, shapes and textures really work together happy beads. I often use tail ends of canes in sculpting for items of clothing. It could be a hat or the shirt you see under an open jacket.
                                                                                            Those flattened beads would make great sci. fi. armor!

                                                                                            • reply Jennifer patterson ,

                                                                                              I love the look of these! And I have pounds and pounds of scraps just waiting to be used.

                                                                                              • reply Trina Williamss ,

                                                                                                Cool technique= cool idea! Buttons for hats and purses.

                                                                                                • reply Shellie ,

                                                                                                  Really like the simplicity of the technique and the results are gorgeous. Hopefully it will inspire my muse!

                                                                                                  • reply Dianne Johnson ,

                                                                                                    I love the no waste aspect, and I often need a creative boost, the book would be used and used and used…..

                                                                                                    • reply Tom Conally ,

                                                                                                      I think your creative sparks are like lightning bolts full of energy!

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