Need a diversion from jewelry? Illustrator Paula Pindroh created an intriguing polymer cactus garden series to provide craft show customers with an option beyond her wall art.
The bottoms of each of the cactus pieces were shaped with pointy nubs that were easy to push into sand or grits or lentils. She offered a wide range of pieces that customers could mix and match.
These small gardens could provide a great way to use up bits of clay and stretch your imagination.
Dizzy Girl Designs ,
Love this. Finally a plant that I will not kill.
Pamela ,
What a great and novel idea–I love it!
Anita Brandon ,
What creative and fun pieces and so well crafted! At last a beautiful cactus garden without thorns that doesn’t need watering.
Lynn/UnaOdd ,
What a fantastic and unique idea – beautifully done!
I love this. Being from the desert southwest it is wonderful to be represented.
wow, these cacti are sooo cool!! they remind me of my last southwest trip, which was just amazing.
also, your other art is great funny and very enjoyable!! love your colors!!
Susan Detwiler ,
Oh, these are so very pretty. I would love to be able to see them in person. And even I couldn’t kill them!
Paula Pindroh inspired polymer clay cactus | Michelle's Blog ,
[…] since I saw Paula Pindroh’s polymer clay cactus pots on Polymer Clay Daily I’ve been meaning to try making some. We’ve having a mini-heatwave right now so it […]