Nicole’s (NiQui) simple nautically striped polymer beads on a string combine a look of weight with a sleekness of design – a playful modern bolo with visual steadiness.
She has a talent for communicating with very few materials as in her Sunshine in the Dark and Skyscraper series of pendants.
Thanks to Margit Böhmer for pointing us to the page.
claire maunsell ,
Wonderful – so refreshing! Clean and clear and uncluttered…
Lynda Moseley ,
Simple designs are sometimes the most difficult to execute because there is nowhere to hide the flaws. For that reason, for me, they are the most satisfying, too. Bravo, Nicole, for giving us excellent examples of flawless simplicity at its best.
ronna ,
I’m also oohing and sighing over her fabulous work. Interesting how those of us who gravitate to primitive and ethnic love her beautiful counterpart to our aesthetic.
claire maunsell ,
I was thinking the same thing Ronna (and Lynda ), as I wrote my comment. Thanks for saying it so eloqently. I could no more make Nicole’s work than I could fly to the moon, but oh, a part of me so wants to.
Her work is so wonderful – perfectly shaped and finished. Love it. Reminds me of Maj-Britt. sigh.
I have spent the morning visualizing the new piece I am going to make. Pulling it together in my head, when I saw this. Ah ha, I thought… that is how I am going to make her arms. . Colorful stripes It all came together in that moment.
Purused more of her gallery, saw White pendant with blend, and fell over in a faint, it is so beautiful. Pulling my self back up into my chair, I am overcome with joy to get to see pure perfection.
Thank you for sharing her work.
Jan Montarsi ,
SIMPLE, I LOVE SIMPLE !!! Exspecially when it make’s such a bold statement !!
Flipping through your Flickr Pages was so refreshing, I dont know how this Flickr junkie missed you. (Any more secrets Margit? – thanks for the tip!)
Ingrid ,
I just want to echo what has been said before. Love the neatness, perfection and simplicity of this, and in all of your work for that matter.
And congratulations for being mentioned on PCD. Well deserved.
Shelly daly ,
I LOVE her work. Does she sell on etsy or elsewhere? Anybody know?
NiQui ,
Thank you Cynthia for featuring my necklace, I am honored. Making it was fun! And thank you and all for your very kind comments.