As a guest blogger, I would like to direct your attention to an issue that affects the polymer community and to offer you the opportunity to have your opinion heard.
The manufacturers are grappling with many issues that center around reformulating polymer and bringing the best product to market. Your response to this comprehensive survey allows you to rank which issues are most important to you. With an accurate picture of our needs manufacturers may make products that suit us better.
Grab your favorite beverage and expect to invest 10 to 15 minutes of your time to answer 40 questions. The responses will be tallied and sent as one document to all the polymer manufacturers. Here’s the survey.
As a thank you for your efforts, you will have a chance to win an autographed copy of Terra Nova – Polymer Art at the Crossroads, released in conjunction with the opening of the Racine Art Museum’s exhibition. This special book has been signed by all the boundary-breakers! To enter the drawing, fill out the survey and comment on this post “I took the survey.” Then check next Monday to see if you won.
Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Carol Dotin, winner of this giveaway. Thanks to all who participated.
guest post from Lindly Haunani
Eva ,
oooops the link doesn’t work!

Christine Damm ,
I tried the link at 6:02 am and still doesn’t work. I will check back!
I would love to take the survey, the link doesn’t work, sadly.
Mary Anne Loveless ,
Me too. Couldn’t open the survey.
Julie Ann Smith ,
I took the survey and would love to add this book to my collection! Thanks for this web site! It’s great inspiration for us beginners!!
Irati Ugarteburu ,
I took the sourvey!!!
The link is wrong, the right one would be http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P3SGZ3W
korokoropollon ,
I took the survey, the correct link is http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P3SGZ3W
Diane Lau ,
I took the survey!
Figured out the link should be http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P3SGZ3W
Just checked in from the road and fixed the link. Please try again. Thanks
I took the survey
JeannieK ,
I took the survey
I had no problems with the link. I took the survey and thought the questions were quite interesting. Maybe “certain brands” will listen about not messing with their primary colours!
iris mishly ,
took it as well! thank you for giving us an opportunity to sent out our opinion!
claire maunsell ,
I took the survey too….
I took the survey! Thanks!
Loretta ,
I took the survey!
The most difficult question…how much clay do I buy each year??? I’ll have to check the books!
Leah Hagan ,
I took the survey.
Jenn ,
I took the (very thorough) survey.
Deborah franks ,
I took the survey
mary ellen parker ,
thank you for posting the correct link !

I took the survey !
I will be very interested in the results…
and to see if anybody listens……
I took the survey!
Amy E Wallace ,
I took the survey! It was great to talk about my experiences with clay. Can’t wait to see what happens.
Pauli ,
I took the survey, and I’m happy to be able to expess my opinion this way!
Melanie Muir ,
I took the survey and thank you for organising such an important series of questions. As a professional designer working with Premo I feel it is vital they maintain their primary colours and not just concentrate on the hobby market. My answers reflect this.
I took the survey! would love the book
Vickie Turner ,
I took the survey. I really hope it helps. I’m tired of not knowing what I’m facing when I open a new package of clay these days. Colors are not consistent, consistency is inconsistent, results are unpredictable, and I’ve had some major disasters because of this. I don’t have the time to waste while the powers that be play around with the qualities of these raw materials. Please, somebody, do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love working with polymer clay but I’m getting so frustrated that, when my stash of old stuff runs out, I may stop.
Kimberly Arden ,
I took the survey. Wish there was a comment section for some of the questions.
I took the survey
Leila Bidler ,
I took the survey – the link works just perfectly?
hope my answers will be helpfull
Melanie West ,
Thank you, Lindly (and anyone else involved) for putting this comprehensive survey together. I’ll be sure to direct folks to PCD, and encourage them to take the time to fill it out. I look forward to seeing the results. (Where might one look for that? And would you need help in processing the results?)
Btw, please do NOT include me in the drawing. I already have a copy of the book and don’t want to prevent someone else from winning (not that I would win it…I seem to never win anything! lol).
I took the survey.
ronna ,
I took the survey and hope everyone else does as well. The best way for the manufacturers to meet our needs is to have a clear understanding of our needs.
Randee M Ketzel ,
great idea–why didn’t someone think of this before!!???
I took the survey.
Great survey! Was worth taking.
I took the survey!
I took the survey. Great questions!
I took the survey. Thanks for letting us voice our opinions and needs.
I took the survey :-> Did I miss the bit where I put my name in to enter the draw? It didn’t ask me.
Took the survey! Thanks for the guest post Lindly!
Kathi Briefer-Gose ,
I took the survey
Janie ,
I took the survey also. And, I really, really want the book!! Keeping my fingers crossed until Monday…
It’s nice to see a guest post from Lindly!
Kimberly Crick ,
I took the survey, and would love this book
I hope you will post the survey results, I’d be very interested in what everyone had to say.
I took the survey!
Bettina Welker ,
took the survey – thanks Lindly:)
I took the survey.
Leslie Marquez ,
I took the survey. Would love to get this book!!
I took the survey.
Marcia ,
I took the survey
Dawna Sharp ,
I took the survey!