As a guest blogger, I would like to direct your attention to an issue that affects the polymer community and to offer you the opportunity to have your opinion heard.
The manufacturers are grappling with many issues that center around reformulating polymer and bringing the best product to market. Your response to this comprehensive survey allows you to rank which issues are most important to you. With an accurate picture of our needs manufacturers may make products that suit us better.
Grab your favorite beverage and expect to invest 10 to 15 minutes of your time to answer 40 questions. The responses will be tallied and sent as one document to all the polymer manufacturers. Here’s the survey.
As a thank you for your efforts, you will have a chance to win an autographed copy of Terra Nova – Polymer Art at the Crossroads, released in conjunction with the opening of the Racine Art Museum’s exhibition. This special book has been signed by all the boundary-breakers! To enter the drawing, fill out the survey and comment on this post “I took the survey.” Then check next Monday to see if you won.
Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Carol Dotin, winner of this giveaway. Thanks to all who participated.
guest post from Lindly Haunani
I took the survey.
I took the survey. Thanks.
I took the survey!
Kim Kennedy ,
I took the survey. (finished my coffee, too)
Took the survey!
i took the survey.
laurie ,
Lindly, The survey was thought provoking. I cannot imagine the hours it took to assemble the questions.
I took the survey!
linda hess ,
I took the survey!
I took the survey.
MilaMa ,
I took the survey. What a brilliant idea. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
I took the survey!
Neja ,
I took the survey!
Paul ,
Just took the survey.
I took the survey. The changes in the clay have been so frustrating. Hope it will make a difference.
I took the survey!!!
I took the survey!
BTW, thanks for allowing us to have some input into this issue — it’s greatly appreciated!
Karen A. Scofield ,
I took the survey (and I live close to RAM, so I’ll have to visit!).
LaLa ,
“I took the survey”
Thank you for putting this together and submitting it to polymer manufacturers!
Pat S ,
I took the survey
svenja lohse ,
I took the survey
I took the survey!!
I took the survey.
And thanks to whoever set it up!!!
It’s getting more and more frustrating to pick up a package of clay…and not know whether it will work or not due to the changes in formulas…Not to mention the latest color discontinuations by Polyform. I normally buy in bulk, but occasionally have to fill in between orders. It’s frustrating when I’m unable to get the primaries I need.
Bev McKenzie ,
I took the survey
I took the survey
Maria Brown ,
I took the survey!
Susan Rimmer ,
I took the survey
I took the survey! Thank you for compiling it! Hope it matters to the manufactureres.
Ok, I took the survey. Thanks for organizing!
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey!!
I took the survey, albeit ON Monday! Thanks for the opportunity to make my opinion known.
I took the survey.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to make our voices heard with the polymer clay manufacturers and let them know what matters most to us – their customers!
I hope that the pc manufacturers will listen. The new formulations melt in my hand and the BEST colors are going extinct.
Carolyn Bond ,
I took the survey.
Ann Shea-Smith ,
I completed the survey.
Survey done.
Just finished!!
Lucine smith ,
I Took the survey.
ruphia ,
I took the survey.
I TRIED to take the survey, but it was formatted so you couldn’t leave any answers blank. Since I “dabble” and have no information about Cernit or Pardo (from personal experience) and since I simply don’t have comparisons on all the various translucent clays, etc. I ended up bailing out. If I make stuff up, it’s a worthless skewing of the results. Oh well…
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey. Thank you for your efforts to get manufacturers to listen to our needs!!
Lorie O Follett ,
I took the survey and would love to see the results!
I took the survey
Donna ,
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey!