As a guest blogger, I would like to direct your attention to an issue that affects the polymer community and to offer you the opportunity to have your opinion heard.
The manufacturers are grappling with many issues that center around reformulating polymer and bringing the best product to market. Your response to this comprehensive survey allows you to rank which issues are most important to you. With an accurate picture of our needs manufacturers may make products that suit us better.
Grab your favorite beverage and expect to invest 10 to 15 minutes of your time to answer 40 questions. The responses will be tallied and sent as one document to all the polymer manufacturers. Here’s the survey.
As a thank you for your efforts, you will have a chance to win an autographed copy of Terra Nova – Polymer Art at the Crossroads, released in conjunction with the opening of the Racine Art Museum’s exhibition. This special book has been signed by all the boundary-breakers! To enter the drawing, fill out the survey and comment on this post “I took the survey.” Then check next Monday to see if you won.
Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Carol Dotin, winner of this giveaway. Thanks to all who participated.
guest post from Lindly Haunani
I took the survey
I took the survey. It was fun. Reminds me that I’d like to try Pardo, if it were more readily available and less expensive
I took the survey
I took the survey
Sandra Kugenieks ,
I took the survey. I’m not sure how influential my responses will be.
I took the survey!
Annette Swensen ,
I took the survey!
I took the survey.
I took the survey!
I took the survey!!!!
I took the survey to enter the drawing, but I completed it feeling like part of a wonderful community that cares enough to have proper materials to make artful creations.
I took the survey. Lots of brands we don’t see here sadly!
I took the survey!
Rebekah ,
I took the survey! Thanks for sharing it!
I took the survey
I took the survey
I took the survey. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
I took the survey, Thank you for the opportunity to add my voice to the message to the manufacturers.
I took the survey. Some of the questions weren’t relevant to me but good to take part in it.
I took the survey, but since I’m such an amateur, I didn’t complete all of it ! I’d like to try Pardo also.
Lorraine Vogel ,
I took the survey.
Dianne Johnson ,
I took the survey, found it interesting.
i took the survey
I took the survey….
I took the survey and I can’t believe I have 65 polymer clay books!!
I took the survey!
Charline ,
I took the survey
I took the Survey
Marcia Simpson ,
I took the survey, thanks!
Marty McGraw ,
I took the survey. Thanks, Lindly and other guest bloggers. It would be terrible to do without Polymer Clay Daily for 3 whole weeks!
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey. Please enter my name in the drawing for the catalog. Thanks, DA
Barbara Handy ,
I took the survey –and very happy to give my opinion. My clay has been driving me nuts. I think I’d rather die from whatever they had to take out than give up the old clay formulas. I’m old anyway and would rather die happy with great clay than what we are getting now.
Peggy Reichenbach ,
I took the survey.
I took the survey!
I took the survey
I took the survey, thank you.
Denise Pettit ,
I took the survye!
I took the survey :0)
I took the survey.
I took the survey!
Janice Sears ,
I took the survey. It did remind me that I really should branch out and try some other brands besides Premo, but I love Premo!
I took the survery. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
I took the survery
I took the survey.
Yes, I took/did the survey – phew!
Denise Pettit ,
I took the survey!
I took the survey
I took the survey – took longer than 15 minutes but I didn’t mind – if manufacturers pay attention to it……..