As a guest blogger, I would like to direct your attention to an issue that affects the polymer community and to offer you the opportunity to have your opinion heard.
The manufacturers are grappling with many issues that center around reformulating polymer and bringing the best product to market. Your response to this comprehensive survey allows you to rank which issues are most important to you. With an accurate picture of our needs manufacturers may make products that suit us better.
Grab your favorite beverage and expect to invest 10 to 15 minutes of your time to answer 40 questions. The responses will be tallied and sent as one document to all the polymer manufacturers. Here’s the survey.
As a thank you for your efforts, you will have a chance to win an autographed copy of Terra Nova – Polymer Art at the Crossroads, released in conjunction with the opening of the Racine Art Museum’s exhibition. This special book has been signed by all the boundary-breakers! To enter the drawing, fill out the survey and comment on this post “I took the survey.” Then check next Monday to see if you won.
Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Carol Dotin, winner of this giveaway. Thanks to all who participated.
guest post from Lindly Haunani
Barbara ,
i took the survey
ron lehocky ,
I took the survey and am grateful that Lindly etal initiated this endeavor to convince the manufacturer’s that they have a responsibility to the professionals and serious hobbyists that standardization of formulations , color choices and product consistency is important. Thanks.
Occupy Polyform!! I want my cobalt blue and zince yellow!
I took the survey!
I took the survey – great looking book!
Christine A. ,
I completed the survey 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win the book~looks very interesting!
Tracy Miller ,
I took the survey!
JuLi ,
I took the survey. 🙂
jan Montarsi ,
I took the Survey !!!
“I took the survey.”
Hazel ,
I took the survey 😀
I took the survey, I think this is a great idea to get the wnats and need of the users to the manufactures
Manida ,
I took the survey! It was fun, and didn’t take long at all. I learned plenty from it, too. I saw trends in my own art that I hadn’t considered before, as well as seeing brands I’d never heard of but am now curious to try. The book looks amazing! Hopefully our voices will be heard and taken into consideration. Thanks so much!
Lindly Haunani ,
All of the brands have advantages for certain approaches and techniques, I would encourage you to experiment with some unfamiliar ones.
Kylee Milner ,
I took the survey
Great questions!
I took the survey.
Then I notice this research about how the mind perceives different shades of grey, and thought you’d like seeing it:
Anastasia ,
i took the survey
Dez ,
I took the survey. Can’t wait for the results!
I took the survey!
I took the survey
Cathy Roth ,
I took the survey…Thanks…Cathy
I took the survey. Would love to win.
cynthia ,
I took the survey!
I took this survey
I Took the Survey… Did You? ,
[…] book has been signed by all the boundary-breakers! To enter the drawing, fill out the survey and comment on this post “I took the survey.” Then check next Monday to see if you […]
ilenia ,
I took the survey.
thank you for this occasion!
Lindly Haunani ,
Thank you everyone for both taking the survey and limiting your comments to “I took the Survey” . If you wish to leave a longer comment on this vital issue – you may do so on my blog
I took the survey
liz clare ,
i took the survey
Anita ,
I took the survey
I took the survey! Also, I wish that you would have included my Clay-Polymer Yahoo group in the survey as well as Polymer Clay Central as I do have a large world-wide readership.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
Lindly Haunani ,
I have been traveling and was not sure (until very recently) if and when the survey would go “live”.
I encourage everyone to share the links with their online groups, Facebook friends and fellow polymer artists in their personal email lists.
Patty- Thank you, in advance, for posting this information to Your Yahoo Group.
Tammie Crawforth ,
Took the survey! Thanks!
Bella ,
I took the survey !
I took the survey
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey!
severine ,
ok i took time to take the survey !!it’ s done!
I took the survey!
I took the survey.
I took the survey
I took the survey
I took the survey!
I took the survey!
I took the survey!
averilpam ,
I took the survey
Lynda Moseley ,
I took the survey! Thanks, Lindly!
Sandi James ,
I took the survey!
Charlie Maber ,
i took the survey 🙂
I took the survey 🙂
I took the survey. I’d looked at the book on the Racine site- thinking of ideas for Christmas presents the holiday season. Was glad to see input from artist was being considered. I realize that many outlet stores sell to hobbyist that may not know about mixing their own colors but most any artist with basic color mixing skills knows that primary colors are essential.
I I took the survey