As a guest blogger, I would like to direct your attention to an issue that affects the polymer community and to offer you the opportunity to have your opinion heard.
The manufacturers are grappling with many issues that center around reformulating polymer and bringing the best product to market. Your response to this comprehensive survey allows you to rank which issues are most important to you. With an accurate picture of our needs manufacturers may make products that suit us better.
Grab your favorite beverage and expect to invest 10 to 15 minutes of your time to answer 40 questions. The responses will be tallied and sent as one document to all the polymer manufacturers. Here’s the survey.
As a thank you for your efforts, you will have a chance to win an autographed copy of Terra Nova – Polymer Art at the Crossroads, released in conjunction with the opening of the Racine Art Museum’s exhibition. This special book has been signed by all the boundary-breakers! To enter the drawing, fill out the survey and comment on this post “I took the survey.” Then check next Monday to see if you won.
Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Carol Dotin, winner of this giveaway. Thanks to all who participated.
guest post from Lindly Haunani
Erin Prais-Hintz ,
I took the survey!
I would love to get to Racine to see all of this in person.
Enjoy the day!
Charlene "Cat" Therien ,
I took the survey.
I took the survey! It also made me realize how much more I could be doing with what I know.
I took the survey.
Tina Wujick ,
I took the survey!
I took the survey.
I completed the survey
I took the survey
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
Jill Palumbo ,
Hi Lindly – great workshop last weekend here in Indiana!
I took the survey.
I took the survey. Thank you.
Laurel Steven ,
I took the survey and would LOVE to win the book!
I took the survey.
I took the survey
I took the Survey !!!!
I took the survey, and I realize there are some clays that I haven’t used at all, and situations that I haven’t had to deal with. I’m sorry I will miss the exhibit; glad it got done.
“I took the survey.”
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey! I’m so glad to see that this is being done. It’s long overdue and hopefully the respective companies will be privy to the results and responsive. I was also surprised to see two other polymer clay magazines listed that I had never heard of. I’ll have to look those up!
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey. Might just try some of the clay brands I haven’t ever used.
I took the survey (sorry for the dublication, I misspelled my mail-address)
I took the survey
linda ezerman ,
I took the survey.
Sofie Skein ,
I took the survey! Thank you ~ I learned a lot from the questions.
I have only used Polymer clay seriously for a few months. Survey had some interesting points and gave me some ideas
I took the survey. I hope that our answers have a positive impact.
I took the survey
I took the survey… 🙂
Took the survey too! Some good questions in there!
I too took the survey.
Like Erica I realized how much I don’t keep track of about my clays, and how many more I should try.
I took the survey
Myra ,
I took the survey!
I took the survey! This is a good idea!!
I took the survey!
Rhoda ,
I took the survey! Hopefully things change for the better.
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
I took the survey.
Pat Ghadbane ,
I took the survey.
Christine Dumont ,
I took the survey. Thanks so much to all who participated in developing it.
I filled out the survey! Good job with the questions.
Debra DeWolff ,
I took the survey! Thanks!!
I took the survey and am glad I did. I only wish it had a place for comments.
I am very angry at Premo for removing some of the “Painter’s” colors I relied on (Cobalt Blue, Zinc Yellow, etc). Even if they bring them back, they’ve lost my trust, and I will probably never use Premo again. Especially since I heard they ignored all the outcry at the changes.
I plan to switch to Kato, which has almost all the primaries I need. I would like Kato to have a reddish yellow, like Premo’s cadmium yellow. For those who are curious, I use the palette described in the book “Blue and Yellow Don’t Make Green”
I’d love to win the book, but I’d rather these comments made it to the manufacturers.