Watch Dawna Sharp experiment with polymer clay! She’s only been working with polymer clay a year and a half, but you can’t tell, can you?
She gave credit for her quick progress to the generosity of the online polymer clay community sharing tips and encouraging her to keep going.
She shares her works in progress on Facebook, friend her there to see what she’s up to next. Check out her Artfire studio as well.
Guest post from Tejae Floyde
Masha ,
Very interesting and original work of Dawna Sharp!I like it and share it
Anita Brandon ,
I love the asymmetrical visual appeal of this unusual, clever and creative design.
Alice Stroppel ,
It’s been fun watching her grow. It’s like she was on a mission to show just how giving this wonderful world of polymer clay is. Her work is shinning bright. Thanks for featuring Dawna.
Kimberly Arden ,
Dawna is one of my fb buddies. Just last week I remarked out loud how quickly she is growing. Good for her getting noticed.
Dawna Sharp ,
Love y’all. I’m so humbled!
Colie ,
Very cool to look at, love the asymmetry and the awesome green color! Have to agree, the polymer clay community is so helpful- can’t believe how long I fumbled around and experimented on my own before realizing there was a whole world out there ready to help and stop me from reinventing the wheel! Off to check out Dawna’s Artfire and Facebook!
Janice Sears ,
Dawna is an inspiration with her beautiful polymer clay creations and her never ceasing passion for excellence and innovation. I love watching her grow as an artist on Facebook. Thanks for featuring her here.
Dawna’s work is very beautiful! just a year and a half? it’s almost unbelievable!
her pieces are so versatile and the way she uses color is just marvelous!
Dawna Sharp ,
Well if I needed encouragement today you all sure gave it to me! As far as color goes I used to paint so I believe that contributed a lot to my colors with pc. Thank you thank you thank you I love you all!
Sandra ,
green color is my favorite color and your necklace is incredible beautiful.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!