Wendy Malinow’s Etsy site is already stocked with hearts for the coming season. Romantic, gruesome, wooden, beating, funny, anatomical…her polymer valentines run the gamut.

These entwined faux birch branches form a lovely pendant perfect for anyone with an outdoorsy, Portland sensibility. (Are you watching Portlandia?) Her bleeding thorn heart might appeal to more prickly sweethearts.
Wendy grew up in a household knee-deep in art projects. You won’t be surprised that one of her earliest art encounters was with “love beads” and she continues to share her fascination.
I’d love to know how she did the faux birch branches – those are awesome!
ronna ,
Wendy’s art is a beautifully-crafted and witty celebration and homage to nature’s beauty, foibles and surprises. Don’t miss the music shakers on her Etsy site. Nor anything else on it, for that matter.
Sarah Pennington of Hip Earth Designs ,
Aren’t her post cards gorgeous!?!?!
Marlene Brady ,
I love these hearts. She is such a true artist in every sense of the word. Beautiful work.
Sarah Pennington of Hip Earth Designs ,
Amazing! I love anything outdoorsy and earth-inspired and these are great! And I love how the necklace is just looped around the pendant- really cool.
sandra ,
The hearts are made with love congratulation in your art.