Spring flowers

Romania’s Ana Cerniciuc has a way with polymer spring flowers that heightens our anticipation of the season.

Her snowdrop earrings are simple constructions that capture the essence of these early blooms. Her tulips are similarly simple yet we know that the curl of the petals against that tight bud is accurate.

Ana uses Facebook and Pinterest to show her characters and flowers. These two sites have become increasingly important places to find new work from around the world. Have a pinteresting weekend.

Polymer in nature

Polymer has never played quite so nicely with nature as it does in Rachel Gourley’s hands. Her new website is a delight.

This Vancouver artist takes polymer rocks back to the seashore where they look completely happy. Her clay fungi and early shoots jump out of the surrounding wintry woodland foliage.

You might think that her alien artworks are complete abstractions but if you examine her gallery of photos, you can see that her keen eye is drawn to nature’s own bright palettes and outlandish patterns as she’s traveled around the world.

PCD has featured her before (check out these polymer sand dollars and 2004 spondylosis) and it’s great that she’s made herself a home on the web where we can visit her more often. Thanks to Lindly Haunani for the link.