Buying kisses, giving away magazines

Our surveys showed that only two percent of polymer artists are men. That statistic may have contributed to the popularity of Dan Cormier and Staedtler’s director of marketing Nils Henssen during the Synergy3 auction.

Saskia Veltenaar and Marjon Donker, publishers of the Polymer To Art Magazine started the silliness by requesting Dan’s kissable stubble as an auction item (a bold move considering that Tracy Holmes was the auctioneer). When Saskia and Marjon later proposed Nils as an item, Hollie Mion and I could not let the Europeans outbid us. Here’s Nan Roche dropping out.

Wind Issue

To raise the stakes, I offered a PCD post that would document the event. I’m paying up with this post. Here are the two kisses that raised hundreds of dollars for IPCA. It was hard to explain to my husband how I placed a winning auction bid and came home with nothing.

Giveaway 5 magazines

Silliness aside, the Netherland’s Saskia and Marjon are offering a copy of this month’s issue of their international magazine, the Wind issue, to FIVE lucky winners who leave a comment on this post. Sign up before Tuesday midnight to be entered to win. Winners will be announced Wednesday.

  • reply Klavdija ,

    I would be very happy if I got a magazine!

    • reply Sheila Willert ,

      I so look forward to reading your blog. I would love to win a magazine.

      • reply Martina Mahdavi ,

        Love the magazine published by Saskia and Marjon. And would be very happy to call the newest release my own.

        • reply Emily Miller ,

          Great idea, what took you so long to think of it?

          • reply Suzy McNeil ,

            Yay! What a wonderful way to start the week! 🙂

            • reply Monica Galley ,

              I LOVE reading magazines!

              • reply Mary Anne Loveless ,

                I can somehow picture my winning this 🙂

                • reply Debra Vallett ,

                  You all Rock,. Especially the Europeans! Though I couldn’t attend Synergy, I’d love and appreciate winning an issue of this magazine that I haven’t seen. If it is digital , that’s a plus, though I’m definitely a tactile woman

                  • reply georgia ,

                    would be a super addition to the polymer art section of my gallery which will be open, almost as a museum, to further the art of polymer in Canada. Thanks for your offer and consideration!!! georgia

                    • reply Bettina Welker ,

                      • reply Pat Schlesner ,

                        I look forward to the inspiration your blog brings each morning. Thanks so much!

                        • reply Martha ,

                          Love your blog. Would love a free mag.

                          • reply Anna M ,

                            I would love a copy!

                            • reply Traci ,

                              I’d love to read the magazine as much as I love treading this blog! Looks like everyone had a blast at the event.

                              • reply Gabriela Simigdala ,

                                Hi Cynthia here is a hello from Greece!
                                I would love to win this magazine, I have been wanting to try it for a while but we are rather financially tight here and… well this would be a beautiful occasion to do so.
                                Loved the kiss by the way, our community is just so funny 🙂

                                • reply Kris Johnson ,

                                  This would be a wonderful addition to help me learn more. The Polymer Clay Smooshers Guild through Artfire just suggested we should all try this and wouldn’t I be the Lucky one to let them know all about it!!!

                                  • reply kathyS ,

                                    Anything polymer is great. Thanks

                                    • reply Wendy Moore ,

                                      Cynthia, if I kissed you would it improve my chances? Please put me in the draw and THANK YOU Saskia and Marjon.

                                      • reply Patricia France ,

                                        Nice kisses! Great giveaway! Now we need to recruit more men!!!
                                        Thank you for your contest.

                                        • reply Annemieke van Gent ,

                                          keep on with the good work (!!) so we get more male polymerartists! I love to win the magazine.

                                          • reply Jacque Stratton ,

                                            I’d love a magazine. Are these on-line or paper?

                                            • reply Susan M. Jensen ,

                                              Nothing like a little fun to brighten a Monday morning. Have heard great things about your magazine but have never seen one. Would love to win that experience.

                                              • reply Terry handel ,

                                                I enjoy the international aspects of polymer clay creating, as well as the comraderie of participants. I’d love to receive an example of both in “Wind.”

                                                • reply Debbie ,

                                                  I’d love to be able to attend a Synergy event one day. It’s on my bucket list; It’s THE place to be if you wanna meet the great celebs of polymer clay and witness the magic of their creativity!

                                                  • reply Cindy Bowles ,

                                                    What fun!!! I’d love to get a chance to see your magazine.

                                                    • reply Laura Orihuela ,

                                                      I would be very happy if one of those magazines would travel to the Canary Islands!!!

                                                      • reply Amy E Wallace ,

                                                        The polymer clay world has zipped right past me. Synergy should come to Cincinnati some day.

                                                        • reply Brenda Pettitt ,

                                                          How I would love to win your magazine! The index pictures are so enticing and creative. Beautiful artworks. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

                                                          • reply Heidi McCullough ,

                                                            I recently gained a bit of money (when I lost my mom) and I’ve decided I want to subscribe to some PC magazines. Until I’m able to do that, I’d love to have a copy of this one!

                                                            • reply Carrie Harvey ,

                                                              Very brave of the men to allow themselves to be auctioned!
                                                              I’d love to win a copy – l enjoy the mag but it’s not very easy to get hold of. Thanks, girls!

                                                              • reply Bonnie Decuir ,

                                                                Thanks for the info on this exciting magazine! I signed up for the newsletter -can’t wait!!

                                                                • reply Heidi Oosterhof ,

                                                                  I would love to win a copy of your magazine. I took a look at your website and I am impressed by the enthousiasm of your contributors.
                                                                  And I really like the birdies.

                                                                  • reply Debbie Coller ,

                                                                    Would love that!

                                                                    • reply sandrine TRUCHI ,

                                                                      I regreat not to be in Atlanta these days!
                                                                      It would be a consolation for me to win a copy of this magazine
                                                                      Sunny kisses from Reunion Island, a little piece of France near Madagascar!!

                                                                      • reply Monique U. (A Half-Baked Notion) ,

                                                                        HaHa… I knew I was missing lots of excitement at the Conference!

                                                                        • reply Lola ,

                                                                          MUWAH! =)

                                                                          • reply Cyndi Cogbill ,

                                                                            Thanks for sharing information on Synergy. I plan to go next year.

                                                                            I would love a copy of the magazine; it is great!

                                                                            Thank you for all the inspiration and information!

                                                                            • reply Briony ,

                                                                              I’d be happy to be kissed (or to kiss) for charity!! I’ve also wanted to try out this magazine forever….please, please….

                                                                              • reply Emma Ashworth ,

                                                                                Oh wow, a new polymer magazine..would be fabulous to have one! and great blog as always, look forward to my daily dose always

                                                                                • reply Manon ,

                                                                                  Yay I would have loved to be there at Synergy..perhaps next year 🙂 We really have to get more male artists, they still seem to think it is a woman-thing.
                                                                                  I would love the magazine of WIND, I will be in WATER myself with a project but I have seen some some very nice projects in Wind 😉

                                                                                  • reply Tracy ,

                                                                                    When you’re the auctioneer at a fundraiser, it’s all about the cause. You gotta do what you gotta do! Between this and the bottle of Mexican tequila Dan and I brought with us as a donation, I’m just happy it all added so much to the grand total. BTW, it was Dan that suggested Nils as a late addition to the auction lot. Maybe after his moment in the spotlight, Dan thought it would be good to get another ‘hunk of clay’ on the block, and with such an international crowd, Nils was an obvious choice. Dutch women kissing a Canadian, American women kissing a German… we really know how to put the ‘I’ in ‘IPCA’!

                                                                                    • reply Tamara Jordan ,

                                                                                      What a great way to give away magazines. I’d love to win a copy.

                                                                                      • reply Helen Rogan ,

                                                                                        Have enjoyed viewing the various postings of the conference. Looks like you all had way too much fun. I am always so impressed with how much the polymer community freely shares with each other. Giving away these magazines is another example. I would love to win one.

                                                                                        • reply Delphine DG ,

                                                                                          I would live to discover this magazine ?

                                                                                          • reply Lanette Holland ,

                                                                                            Sounds like all of you had a lot of fun at Synergy. Winning the magazine would be great; I’d like to see it.

                                                                                            • reply Ginny ,

                                                                                              Looks like everyone had a great time!

                                                                                              • reply Gerri McCullough ,

                                                                                                To receive a magazine would be wonderful! This is a great polymer clay publication!
                                                                                                Thanks for the opportunity!

                                                                                                • reply Isabel ,

                                                                                                  my source for this magazine stopped carrying it after ‘black and white’ and i really miss it! how can i get back issues?
                                                                                                  very inspirational.

                                                                                                  • reply laura ,

                                                                                                    Looks like fun. I would live a free magazine.

                                                                                                    • reply Leila Bidler ,

                                                                                                      Dan and Nils look proud an embarassed all the same lol I also saw the video to Dan’s kiss, too funny thanks for sharing!

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