Buying kisses, giving away magazines

Our surveys showed that only two percent of polymer artists are men. That statistic may have contributed to the popularity of Dan Cormier and Staedtler’s director of marketing Nils Henssen during the Synergy3 auction.

Saskia Veltenaar and Marjon Donker, publishers of the Polymer To Art Magazine started the silliness by requesting Dan’s kissable stubble as an auction item (a bold move considering that Tracy Holmes was the auctioneer). When Saskia and Marjon later proposed Nils as an item, Hollie Mion and I could not let the Europeans outbid us. Here’s Nan Roche dropping out.

Wind Issue

To raise the stakes, I offered a PCD post that would document the event. I’m paying up with this post. Here are the two kisses that raised hundreds of dollars for IPCA. It was hard to explain to my husband how I placed a winning auction bid and came home with nothing.

Giveaway 5 magazines

Silliness aside, the Netherland’s Saskia and Marjon are offering a copy of this month’s issue of their international magazine, the Wind issue, to FIVE lucky winners who leave a comment on this post. Sign up before Tuesday midnight to be entered to win. Winners will be announced Wednesday.

  • reply Beth McClellan ,

    Looks like everyone is having such a great time.

    • reply Mel McG ,

      It sounds like Synergy3 was a lot of fun! Count me in, I’d love a copy of the wind issue!

      • reply D. ,

        I’d love to check out this magazine. Thanks for the chance. D.

        • reply Zan Caperton ,

          What a fun time! I would absolutely love to win a copy of the magazine!

          • reply Victoria James ,

            I’d love to win a copy of the Mag!

            • reply Andrea Botts ,

              Looks like such fun! I’d love a copy of the mag…

              • reply Sharon Walsh ,

                Wow, looks like you guys had fun. I would love to win this.

                • reply Lucy ,

                  What cute guys, no wonder it was a successful auction!

                  • reply Sue Ossenberg ,

                    Loved seeing the pics of participants wearing their beautiful creations!

                    • reply Elsie ,

                      Love Polymer Clay Daily! …. and would really be thrilled to win a magazine 🙂

                      • reply Linda Williard ,

                        I would so love to win a copy of the magazine! My clay friends and I have talked about wanting to try to see if we could get it. Would be so fun!

                        • reply Mary Holland ,

                          Love this magazine. There are so many creative people in this world.

                          • reply susan berkowitz ,

                            I’d love a copy of the magazine! So, do you kiss and tell? Who had more fun – Dan or the ladies? Sounds like a great conference.

                            • reply Brenda Urquhart ,

                              Ciao Susan
                              I was there in person and believe me this was the highlight of the Auction…as for who had more fun…it was a PUSH…everyone enjoyed this even those who weren’t biding…the Ladies from the Netherlands were relentless and oh so funny…
                              Wonder if this reply to your post could be considered as my entry for the contest? Hope so…I will always try to attend Synergy where it’s held Us or abroad…It’s a great an inspirational event…

                            • reply Jane Oliver ,

                              Great idea for two good-looking trend setters. I can use all the teaching I can get, so I’d be delighted to win the magazine. Thank you!

                              • reply Marlene Brady ,

                                Count me in the giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity. I’m really enjoying your posts on Synergy, thank you.

                                • reply Margit Boehmer ,

                                  From Polymer to Art is a wonderful magazine, would be happy to win one of the copies

                                  • reply Manda ,

                                    I’d love to win a copy of the magazine!

                                    • reply Chris Kelsey ,

                                      What a fun way to raise some money! A good time for all. Would love to be entered into the giveaway. Thanks! ChrisKelsey

                                      • reply Kat ,

                                        I would love to win an issue of the magazine. I am new to polymer and haven’t actually made anything yet! Inspiration very welcome! I will be driving through the Netherlands at the end of this week on my way to Sweden 🙂

                                        • reply Lynn Martinek ,

                                          Hey, Synergy means Cooperative Interaction! What better way than to have some Prize Kisses to raise money! It looks like everyone was having a Great Time! Your Synergy posts have been delightful to read. Today’s post was truly the icing on the cake!

                                          Oh, Yes! I’d love to win the From Polymer To Art magazine and get my International groove on!

                                          • reply Daphne Seaman ,

                                            What fun! I would love to win a copy of the magazine.

                                            • reply macy ,

                                              Fabulous, would love to win this. Thanks for the chance.

                                              • reply Meticulissa ,

                                                I look forward to seeing your posts every day. What a party Synergy must have been!

                                                • reply Sydney ,

                                                  Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine!

                                                  • reply JoAnne newman ,

                                                    I love the magazine and would like to have the new one, “Wind”. It’s great that they
                                                    print it in English and there are always many wonderful articles in the magazine.

                                                    • reply Hollie Mion ,

                                                      I have to admit, it was fun to do. I’m glad you got me to join in. Otherwise, it would have been the first time I didn’t get something from the auction.

                                                      • reply kris ,

                                                        So very nice to see the faces of some of the creative people i keep hearing about on PCD! thanks-

                                                        • reply Charity Lund ,

                                                          Oh, I wish I could attend an event like that! I’ve been wishing for that magazine, too, and am grateful for the opportunity to sample it. 😀 Thanks!

                                                          • reply Angela Hickey ,

                                                            Looks like a great time!! One of these years I hope to attend.

                                                            • reply Line Labrecque ,

                                                              Looks like great fun, wish I can make the next one.

                                                              • reply Melanie ,

                                                                Looks like everyone had a Blast! I’ve got Synergy4 on my “Bucket List” …Would love to win a copy of Wind….

                                                                • reply Denise ,

                                                                  Some day I’ll make it to Synergy. How wonderful to ave raise so much for those who have so little.

                                                                  • reply Deborah Ross ,

                                                                    Wish I’d been there to help drive up the bid! I’d love to win a copy of the Wind issue.

                                                                    • reply Fruitensse ,

                                                                      I just looked at the photos and I found myself smiling. There had to be a great atmosphere

                                                                      • reply Chris Boldovici ,

                                                                        Ahh, looks like everyone had a great time! I am new to Polymer Creating and would absolutely love to have this issue.C

                                                                        • reply Maria ,

                                                                          Would love to win this.

                                                                          • reply Céline ,

                                                                            I never even knew this magazine and I live in the Netherlands!!! Happy to see we’ve got a Dutch magazine here about polymerclay.
                                                                            Thanks for the chance to win!

                                                                            • reply Janis VanWyhe ,

                                                                              I have been checking out the various polymer art magazines. From the pictures, this one looks very interesting, but would love to have a real copy to get a better feel.

                                                                              • reply rosana ,

                                                                                Looks like everyone had a fantastic time. the wind magazine sounds like fun, would like to see it

                                                                                • reply Anne ,

                                                                                  Thanks a lot for the giveaway. I try my luck.

                                                                                  • reply connie w ,

                                                                                    hahaha..i’m not sure what that post was talking about- but it sure sounded fun! i’d love to try this magazine!

                                                                                    • reply Carolyn ,

                                                                                      such fun!

                                                                                      • reply Sue Duffy ,

                                                                                        I think you were definitely a winner! Yes – I’d love to be a recipient of a copy of this magazine! Thanks!

                                                                                        • reply Selma ,

                                                                                          Yeah! I want! <3 <3 <3 <3 …. Good luck to me! 🙂

                                                                                          • reply haydee hirsch ,

                                                                                            how lucky you ladies are to get to kiss two good looking men (Dan is just so good looking) what a great and fun idea for raising funds—thanks for sharing—hope i’m one of the lucky ones–thanks.

                                                                                            • reply Cheryl (Grandma Coco) ,

                                                                                              I’d love to win the magazine. Please!

                                                                                              • reply Kristin ,

                                                                                                Another source for inspiration! Excellent!

                                                                                                • reply Priscilla Muniz ,

                                                                                                  I Love this magazine! How sweet to offer the guys as prizes too as I would’ve been bidding too. Priscilla

                                                                                                  • reply Katalin Szollosi ,

                                                                                                    Great pic! Me please thanks 🙂

                                                                                                    • reply Kirsten Illgner ,

                                                                                                      What a luck the both men have! 🙂 Would love to win this. Thanks for the chance.
                                                                                                      Greetings from Germany

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