Buying kisses, giving away magazines

Our surveys showed that only two percent of polymer artists are men. That statistic may have contributed to the popularity of Dan Cormier and Staedtler’s director of marketing Nils Henssen during the Synergy3 auction.

Saskia Veltenaar and Marjon Donker, publishers of the Polymer To Art Magazine started the silliness by requesting Dan’s kissable stubble as an auction item (a bold move considering that Tracy Holmes was the auctioneer). When Saskia and Marjon later proposed Nils as an item, Hollie Mion and I could not let the Europeans outbid us. Here’s Nan Roche dropping out.

Wind Issue

To raise the stakes, I offered a PCD post that would document the event. I’m paying up with this post. Here are the two kisses that raised hundreds of dollars for IPCA. It was hard to explain to my husband how I placed a winning auction bid and came home with nothing.

Giveaway 5 magazines

Silliness aside, the Netherland’s Saskia and Marjon are offering a copy of this month’s issue of their international magazine, the Wind issue, to FIVE lucky winners who leave a comment on this post. Sign up before Tuesday midnight to be entered to win. Winners will be announced Wednesday.

  • reply Cynthia Becker ,

    Being a descendant of Netherlanders who is still dabbling with clay between jobs, I would love to read this magazine.

    • reply Becky ,

      I just had a late lunch with Linda Braunstein-Gilcher, who attended Synergy this year (along with her store), and got the scoop. It sounds fascinating, but is probably a venue far above my skill level. Still, I look forward to reading about it from various sources, perhaps learning something I can use in my own art.

      • reply Francie Owens ,

        I’d love a copy of the magazine. Thanks for the chance to win!

        • reply Nad ,

          Never won anything, but how knows, may be it’s about time

          • reply Susan ,

            Am trying to improve my skills with polymer, so would love to win a copy of this book.

            • reply Laura Lang ,

              I would love to receive a copy of this issue!

              • reply Linda ,

                I would love to have the Wind Issue of Polymer to Art. I am always looking for new sources of inspiration. Oh, and the pictures tell it all… What a fun time at Synergy3! Thanks so much to Netherland’s Saskia and Marjon for offering a copy of this month’s issue of their international magazine.

                • reply Marcia Simpson ,

                  I couldn’t go to Synergy, but it is nice to see all the pictures everyone has shared. I can’t get enough of polymer, I am addicted!

                  • reply Deb Norling ,

                    Congrats on the winning bid..but I think the other 4 got the better end of the deal….
                    Thanks to Saskia and Marjon for the giveaway. As a relatively new clayer, I am always looking for information, inspiration and instruction.

                    • reply Mary Anne ,

                      Your magazine sounds like a breath of fresh air. I would be looking forward to it.

                      • reply Glo Weimern ,

                        With cheeks and smiles like those how could you resist? I have been wanting to see a copy of From Polymer to Art since they started publishing it. Maybe this will be my chance!

                        • reply Naomi Jerys ,

                          would love to win this magazine, I’m working on making my beads masterpieces! One day I’ll get there!

                          • reply Lynn Shiner ,

                            What a fabulous evening that was! Best live auction ever! Synergy3 overall was just amazing- and the international flavor added to the fun and the learning. A definite step towards “Higher Ground”. Well, but with full entertainment value as well ;-))

                            • reply Corine ,

                              I’ll throw my hat into the ring!

                              • reply Alena ,

                                This reminds me of the situation at the faculty of mathematics and physics, only there we were 3 girls and 374 boys. Lol. You are being creative in all areas of life.

                                • reply Wendy ,

                                  Never seen this magazine but have only heard amazing reviews. Would love to see what all the talk is about!

                                  • reply wkrd ,

                                    Looks like it was a lot of fun, wish I had been there to bid!!

                                    • reply Vikki Meloy ,

                                      I am so excited about learning some new techniques and being inspired!

                                      • reply Taisia Russin ,

                                        I am always looking for new polymer clay material to read … Would be wonderful to check out the magazine. Heard good things about it!
                                        Smiles…. Taisia

                                        • reply Marcia ,

                                          Why not? It’s the next best thing to a kiss!

                                          • reply Arlene Harrison ,

                                            I thoroughly enjoyed the auction and all the silliness involved. I’d love to win an electronic copy of the magazine.

                                            • reply Margarita ,

                                              I have 3 issues of this wonderful magazine 🙂 Best wishes to creators! 😉

                                              • reply Lawrence ,

                                                Read PCD daily and luv it. Checked the comments here and looks like I am less than
                                                2% 😉 Oh well, maybe I will get lucky.

                                                • reply Joseph Davis ,

                                                  How come it takes a freebie to get so many comments? Who am I kidding, I’d love to win.. But I bet one of the 98% wins…

                                                  • reply Priscilla ,

                                                    You came home with such a fun memory and the photos to prove it. And I would love a copy of From Polymer to Art.

                                                    • reply marijke ,

                                                      love reading the regular articles.

                                                      • reply Bonnie Brace ,

                                                        I was unable to attend this years Synergy, but seeing these pictures just strenghtens my determination to make it to the next one! Two years to save up!
                                                        And to learn there is another polymer magazine! How exciting, I would love to check it out. Thanks to Saskia and Marjon, and Cynthia for this giveaway!

                                                        • reply polymeramoi ,

                                                          j’habite loin mais je tente ma chance:)))
                                                          Je suis une fidèle de ce rendez-vous journalier

                                                          • reply Wyoming Wendy ,

                                                            Life would be boring if polymer had not entered my life, please throw my name in the hat!

                                                            • reply Susan Nicklin ,

                                                              So sorry to have missed the Synergy conference. Thanks for posting your presentations, Cynthia. Also, thanks for a chance to win this magazine!

                                                              • reply Heather ,

                                                                Great way to raise money! I think we all appreciate men who in turn appreciate art and the beauty and inspiration it adds to our lives! I would love to see the European Angle on Polymer Clay. I have been very inspired by many European Clay artists. One of the many benefits of being able to surf the web internationally.

                                                                • reply rose ,

                                                                  Would love to win one

                                                                  • reply Stephanie Nicol ,

                                                                    Being a newbie to polymer ( new to crafting full stop) im constantly looking for inspiration and learning new techniques so this magazine soubds just the ticket 🙂

                                                                    • reply suzy peabody ,

                                                                      i’m hoping if i win, i could sharpen my intermediate polymer skills 🙂
                                                                      the whole kissing auction was a super cute idea!!
                                                                      let’s get that 2 percent up to 50% 😉

                                                                      • reply Aims ,

                                                                        I don’t think that either of the guys look like they minded being part of the auction! Such Fun!

                                                                        • reply From Polymer To Art ,

                                                                          Thank you all for your comments, your enthusiasm, your lovely words! This auction evening was unforgetable (special thanks to our two hunks of clay)! What can we say… Kisses from Holland!

                                                                          • reply Sarah ,

                                                                            Haha! Looks like you had a fun time!!

                                                                            • reply Judy Haupin ,

                                                                              The synergy auction is always a little crazy, but this year those FROM POLYMER TO ART girls really took it over the top! Thanks for the laughs and great memories.

                                                                              • reply Terry Haendiges ,

                                                                                Hi, just found your site and would love to try your magazine. I hope to get one.

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