Ottawa's Emma Todd provides a teaser for your weekend with her Roundabout beads. Stacked together, these flat swirls of polymer create a wonderful jumbled zigzag effect. She's a swirl expert and makes a big-holed round version plus pendants and beads that show real ingenuity.

I stumbled into Emma from fellow Canadian Claire Maunsell. Claire hadn't told her family that her story and polymer work would be in a book.

When the Global Perpectives book arrived in the mailbox, Claire snapped some candid shots of her daughter who was surprised to discover her mother's featured work and her story. "This is great, Mum – good for you," is high praise.
Claire also leaked that she's about to release a tutorial which further explains her hollow form technique for polymer. Her project in the book shows you the basics and it's based on her years of glass blowing.
Tresa ,
Love the stacked beads and the colors are my favorite! Great work and congratulations!
Claire maunsell ,
Wow, Emma these have so many possibilities! You have to really see them stacked together to appreciate the wonderful layered effect!
Emma Todd ,
Oh wow, what a lovely surprise! Thanks so much Cynthia for bumping into me at Claire's. I confess I'm still mourning the loss of google reader and my regular reading patterns have gone out the window. Fortunately, I had several friends pass along the exciting news. What a treat! It bears repeating from my comments at Claire's congratulations on a fabulous book! I havne't made it all the way through yet be I'm very happy to have it as a resource. Thanks again, you made my day!
I highly recommend Feedly to replace our old dear google reader! Makes browsing faster and more fun.