With a wink at fashion, the raised exposed seams on Anarina Anar’s latest polymer disk necklace mirror a trend in clothing finishes.
Tiny flecks of color on all the stripes unify Anarina’s bright colors. The seams are accented with contrasting colors. Is it fabric? Is it ceramic?
This Greek artist’s secret ways with alcohol inks give her polymer more vivid, transparent, liquid colors than tinted clays might allow. The dimension, the colors, the contrasts combine to make a clever visual treat for your Monday.
Anarina appears on Facebook and you can see her distinctive work on Flickr and Etsy. She also appears in the gallery section of the fall issue of The Polymer Arts magazine.
Oops…we’re early. Monday software glitch I guess. Let me look under the hood.
Mary Anne Loveless ,
Always a fan!
Everything she makes is a delight!
LOVE this!
inspires ))
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Oh, so fresh, creative and surprising. She is one of the few artists who know when to STOP. Thanks.
Alison ,
Just love these!!!
Randee M Ketzel ,
I love Anarina’s work–always so delicious.
I love the colors, shapes and texture.