The winter birds were fluffy on the feeder this morning and naturally I was drawn to this intricately textured bird from Anna Oskina online.
She makes polymer miniatures and lately has moved into jewelry and birds. She shares her methods (as in this chevron pendant below) in free tutorials and even though they’re in Russian, you can get the gist.

Her Instagram site is great to browse. Not much to read, just enjoy the photos.
joanne meller ,
I just watched the video for the chevron pendant, I LOVE this technique! I’m planning to use it in next week’s lesson with an 8-year-old artist-in-training.
We’ll make heart pendants for valentine’s day. Can’t wait!
Would love to see how she does the bird, which is just precious. Thanks for all you share with us, Cynthia.
Joanne, here is a link to tutorial how she does the bird – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHCbaj6Atuw
joanne meller ,
Thank you, Marina
Beautiful work
Very beautiful!