Splash through the 22 entries in the wave-inspired challenge of France’s ParoledePate group. The challenge was the idea of Florence Minne-Khou and included very few restrictions and lots of possibilities. You’ll see waves interpreted in jewelry, paintings, vessels, books and sculpture.
This 3-ring stackable set of watery translucent shapes is by Veesuel and you can see it from several angles here.
Creativity flows when group members get pulled into a challenge! Congrats to all.
Lorrene Baum-Davis ,
Oh, Cynthia, this is my favorite for 2016. THANK YOU.
Amazing work! Are all of the entries made of clay?
I really enjoy the fact that there were very few restrictions in this challenge. It released a lot of great creativity.
cecile ,
Magnifique ! Félicitations
Ab Fab !