Bringing polymer alive

Barbaccio on PCDaily

Pre-holiday jitters? Nope, that’s Gene Wilder during his famous “It’s alive!” moment rendered by Washington, DC illustrator Joseph Barbaccia and made entirely of extruded strings of polymer.

You’ll have to look closely to see how the intricately interwoven colors blend into a dimensional mosaic.

A powerful portrait of a soldier (pictured here) was selected to appear in Lurzer’s International 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide 2016/2017.

Read more about Joseph on Facebook, SaatchiArt, and his site.

  • reply Nikolina ,

    absolutely fabulous!

    • reply Dair ,

      This art is amazing but the “powerful portrait of a soldier,” is, in fact, a portrait of a terrorist, as the title on the artist’s website confirms. As a lifelong soldier, from a family of soldiers, I find the description in your email distasteful.

      • reply Cynthia Tinapple ,

        Dair – Switched the description per your correction. I wrestled with this when I was writing. Did not see the title. Thanks for the assist.


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