California’s Julie Picarello has a new batch of focals ready for the annual Tucson bead show next week. She’ll be buying, selling, and teaching her new Lunar Feather Beads.
She prowls through hardware stores and walks the long aisles of the big box stores looking for pieces she can stamp into or otherwise incorporate into her mokume gane designs.
In her Tucson classes, students will learn how to use new tools she appropriated from the HVAC department!
In the group pictured here, Julie gives a nod to textiles but look closely and you’ll see washers and traces of metal. This new series is done in her signature color palettes and sprinkled with painted and torched do-dads. She’s on Facebook here.
Laurie Mika ,
Ever so lovely as only Julie can do! Thanks for sharing!
Victoria Lynne Harrison-Sewell ,
Beautiful. I love Julie’s work. It has that ‘wow’ factor!!