Artists Amy Hucks, Doreen Gay Kassel, and Donna Greenberg reflect on the holiday.

Not so much red, white and blue this year but a more somber yet whimsical look sculpted in polymer.
Doreen considers the immigrants in her family. Donna looks at resistance. Amy is all about heart.
How would you translate this July 4?

Paula Beltgens ,
Bravo! Inspiration for the day.
Jill Palumbo ,
Congrats to all three artists for using their substantial talent to cry out for compassion and justice. All art takes courage, but this collection shows conviction as well. Thank you all for giving us hope.
Today, I hope you will join me in taking a moment of silence to remember the sacrifice of those generations that have gone before and paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom.
Today, I hope that you will rededicate yourself to preserving freedom in this country from those who actively seek to take it away.
And today, I hope that you will recommit to stand with thousands of your fellow patriots across this land in your support of freedom.
Perfect sculpts for this year.