I spent a good bit of time over the weekend browsing through the online photo sites, flickr and pbase and such. After slogging through a ton of typical polymer work, I happened on some fresh foreign designs.
I ran a young French designer’s site through Altavista Babelfish for translation. What a hoot that was. Many of Magali Thiébaud’s pieces look like candies. The idiom translations are very rough.
"My jewels point out candies, the chocolate, the liquorice and of other sugar refineries. To carry a Croquezmoicreation jewel is to be beautiful to crunch."
Late at night with a glass of wine it’s a surreal experience. I found some interesting Portugese things too. Nothing like other cultures to shake you out of your own design rut and widen your horizons.
I’ve written to Magali Thiébaud to get details about her work but there’s no response yet. Visit Croquezmoicreation.com.
Her Flickr albums contain her most interesting work. Be warned, it’s easy to get lost in the maze of these monster sites and there’s a lot of stuff to wade through. Let me show you the way. Try this page.
Geraldine ,
Great! You find the most original designs! Thanks!
croquezmoi ,
Hello Cynthia,
thank you for your post in your blog 🙂
I don’t speak english fluant. I ‘m proud you write about my work, because I like your work too !
Sorry to not respond speedy to your email.
I write your blog in my bookmark 🙂
See you soon !
My other website : http://lavomatic.blogspot.com
Thiebaud’s glamorous polymer at Polymer Clay Daily ,
[…] long been a fan (see earlier posts here and here) of her colorful, unconstrained polymer clay work and the photos match her style […]