Elise Winters’ polymer clay work is pictured on the cover of February’s Crafts Report magazine along with a profile on page 24. The magazine’s focus is on jewelry this month. Elise sees this as a win-win. Not only is this a personal win but also it signals a growing acceptance of polymer clay by the jewelry community.
Our low-tech, low-fire humble materials become fine art in a fine craftsman’s hands.
Gives us all a boost. Congrats! Be sure to visit Elise’s site.
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I think the key to evolution in ANY medium is experimentation and creating new ways of working in every single stage of creation. The one unfortunate thing about the polymer clay community is that some people are somewhat resistant to change, to new ways of working with the clay, They immediatelly say “No!” when someone says “what if…” It’s unfortunate, but I’m so happy that as more and more people discover the medium, the number of people averse to change gets smaller and smaller. I cannot wait to see what’s ahead!!