Simple Stuff

I like these beads from Marie Segal’s April 15 workshop with the San Diego Guild. These beads illustrate my "keep it simple" rant of the last few days, They’re based on two or three canes which are reconfigured into a multitude of shapes.

A few years ago I watched Pier Voulkos take one simple cane slice and in the space of five minutes whip it into a dozen shapes. (I resurrected this link from a 2001 workshop.)

That cane manipulation took incredible dexterity of hand and imagination. It’s that freshness and vitality that I’ve been looking for this week. Thanks Pier, thanks Marie.

A Little Bird Told Me

These teeny birds on my shelf remind me that it’s nearly spring. And they tell me that everything needn’t be precious and exquisite. Sometimes simple and carefree is best.

I bought these polymer birds at the local art college sale. The young artist felt she was overcharging me when she priced them at $1 each. Such a deal! Each bird has character and exudes happiness.

After weeks of looking at wonderful skillfully-crafted works, I’m just a bit tired of the intensity. I think I’ll look for simple for the next few days. No polymer links today. You may want to see what the 20-somethings are doing with jewelry. Just for grins.