If you’re studying artists’ websites and contemplating one for yourself, take a look at how Anita Winthrop of the Clayville California guild has organized hers. In my day job I look at lots of sites and I can’t help but admire ones that are well thought out. Now let me take off my web hat and put on my polymer cap.
Her face cane demo is terrific. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such intricate face caning. Overall her work makes me happy. Anita is a throwback to the early days of polymer when caning was king and I’m thrilled to see that this kind of work is still alive and well. Thanks to Victoria James for the link.
I really appreciate the time and trouble you take to show everyone all the interesting and inspiring websites and artists that you find on the internet. I would never find all of the wonderful people and places that you guide us to.
Thank you
Cindy Hopkins